Saturday, March 29, 2008

April Fool's Day

Hey it's Splash again! As all of you know, April Fool's Day is coming very soon. Most of you go back to school on the 31st and April Fool's Day is the day after! If you don't have any pranks planed I would start thinking! If you can't think of any pranks go to Long name, great pranks! Here's a prank for you. Get some chocolate pudding and then tell someone on your family that you  have to use the bathroom. Then grab the chocolate and hide it under your shirt and take it to the bathroom. Dump the pudding in the toilet but DON'T flush. Then wash your hands and wait for someone to use that bathroom next. Then you will here a... SCREAM! Make sure that you have a way to get the pudding out of the toilet so it doesn't clog the drain. Here's another classic. Get up before the one who you want to prank. Then fill up a bag of ice and cold water. Lay the bag behind the person you're pranking and wait for them to roll over. If the person you're pranking doesn't sleep on their side then put the bag on the floor and wait for them to stand up on the bag. Then... they're soaked!  Now if you  get in trouble for one of these pranks don't blame me, you're the one who decided to pull it. I am warning you, this might be a dangerous task. You might get in trouble so be aware. Have a good weekend!


Friday, March 28, 2008

Learn to swim

Hey it's Splash again! Today, my dad told me something that I thought was horrible. Some of you might have heard about this on the news though.  Earlier this week a 13 year old boy was at a pool party in Bloomington, Illinois. There were 46 boys and girls at this party. Yet there was only 1 lifeguard. So this teenage boy didn't know how to swim but jumped into the deep end of the pool. The lifeguard didn't realize that the boy was drowning until after it happened. The boy had been at the bottom of the pool for 5 minutes until someone found him. See this is why everyone needs to learn how to swim. My 8 year old brother knew how to swim when he was 5 and so did I. That way we didn't risk taking chances of drowning because we learned early. According to the Department of Public Heath in Illinois, if you have 100 kids in the pool you only need 1 lifeguard! Do you feel safe letting your kids in that pool? What if more than 1 person drowns, what would they do?! Now, I feel bad about this loss and I want to warn you all that you should always learn how to swim early so this doesn't happen. Thanks for reading and keep safe around pools!


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Turkeys in my yard!

Hey it's Splash again! So today at about 4:20 pm wild turkeys came into my front yard! Then they came again at about 5:45 pm! It was very weird! I don't live in the country so it was very strange. A lot of times we see deer, owls, fox, coyotes, vultures, turkeys, and sometimes ducks. We live right by a big college and in an old neighborhood so it's very very odd to have these wild animals in our yard! When we first saw the turkeys my mom and brother took pictures. Then the second time we followed them to catch some pictures. We followed them through an alley and they just kept jogging. It was raining, so it was hard to get really good pictures. We got a few and they turned out OK. I was excited and surprised that turkeys would come to our yard. All the neighbors were taking pictures and they were also calling there friends that lived close. There was a whole crowd of people taking pictures and videos! It was an exciting moment! The turkeys went down a hill to look for food so we haven't seen them since the second time. So, even if you live in the city you could see some animals you wouldn't normally see! Keep an eye out! Thanks for reading!


Play practice

Hey it's Splash again! Today I had play practice! Oh, did I forget to tell you I'm in Willi Wonka at my school! I am an Oopma Loompa and a Candy Dancer. Anyways, I had play practice from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm. WOW, I was worked to death! My legs were sore and so were my arms! Since I have two parts in this play, I had like, no breaks! Here's out it worked: The people in charge would just take certain groups to practice so you would have a break. Well since there are two people in charge of dancing and songs they split us up. So the Candy Dancers had their practice first while the Oompas just relaxed. So after the "Candies" finished, it was time for the Oompas to practice! So I practiced for about 2 hours and 10 minutes straight! I got a 10 minute break since I didn't feel very good for part of it. So then we ended the practice and I didn't feel very good. My head hurt, my arms and legs were sore, and I was just wiped out! If you think doing a musical is easy, well, think again!! Lots of my friends are in this play so I'm not alone! At every practice before we start we have to stretch. Then we do some dances, we either learn new ones or review some dances we learned in a rehearsal before. The show is getting closer so we are working very hard. As I said there are hardly any breaks now! Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Maximum Ride

Hey, it's Splash again! Right now I'm in the middle of reading a book called Maximum Ride. It's a series of books about 6 kids that have wings and they're trying to live. There are 4 books in the series right now, but the 4th just came out. I am on the third book and on page 215 of 405. In every book there's about 400 pages. And anyways these kids' parents sold them for $10,000 to an experiment lab. There the "whitecoats" gave them horrible tests and combined DNA so they would grow wings. These kids' names are, Maximum Ride (Max for short), Fang, Iggy, Nudge, The Gasman (Gazzy for short), and Angel. The only blood related kids are Gazzy and Angel. Max is the leader and Fang is right there with her. They got away from the lab 4 years ago and they're trying to find a way to live. Well I know what you're thinking, If they escaped from the lab then they shouldn't have any thing to worry about. You're wrong there my friend! There are these things called Erasers after them. They were also experiments from the lab. But these guys are half man half wolf. If they're in human form they can change to wolf form. Ever since the "flock" of hybrids (the bird kids) escaped, the "whitecoats" and Erasers have been tracking them down. If you like books with lots of action than this is your kind of book! You can find these online or at your local bookstore. I recommended this book to you. Well thanks for reading! 


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Apple juice from...

Hey it's Splash again! How are you? Ok so Sunday night at my dinner table we were looking at the apple juice bottle for entertainment. Then I noticed that it said it was made in China! I mean come on, we have tons of apples here the U.S. Mostly everything there has lead or poison in it! I DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT want to drink something that is made in that country! Who does?! Not my family! So I wrote a letter to the company and told them how we felt about this. I sent it on e-mail and they still haven't responded. My parents have decided not to buy apple juice from this company anymore. We have Michigan, Illinois, etc. Why can't we simply just use these apples?! I thought that I should warn you about this issue with apple juice. And yet apple juice isn't the only thing with this problem. We've also seen this in dog food. Yes, little doggies eating food that is made in China. Many companies buy their things in China. So my best advice is always look at the labels and find out where it is made at. Thanks for reading!


A little bit about me

Hi, I'm Splashton. Call me Splash for short. This is my first blog so forgive me if I have mistakes. So today at 3:45 pm I went to my swim practice. Yes I swim! I have been swimming for 5 years. Anyways, I had to work on my stroke and my starts. Now if you're not interested in swimming, don't worry, I'll be writing more blogs about things that don't involve swimming. Ok so for those of you that are interested, here go's. My coach told me "Kick, Kick! In your races your not kicking and that KILLS your time." So I kicked and kicked and then got it right. My legs sorta hurt but I lived. Then I worked on 2 strokes. Freestyle and backstroke. I needed my head back on my backstroke and my arms needed more power on my freestyle. I felt like my arms, legs etc. were gonna fall off. I know you're probably thinking, yeah right. But why don't you try it! And if you do swim then you know how I felt tonight. Now if you're on my swim-team I am dedicating this to you. You guys, no matter who you are, were always there for me! Thanks for that! So, I finally got everything how my coach wanted it so my practice ended at 5:20 pm. Ok well in my next blog I will talk to you about something your family would care about like mine did. Well thanks for reading!