-ZZZZZZZZZZZ *Yawn* Splashton
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Guys I'm sooooo sorry! I was really busy and over the weekend I was at a swim meet. I got 3 best times! In my 100 back, 50 back, and 100 fly. I'm really happy!! I had a blast with my friends. Every time they played a song after warm ups like Cha Cha Slide or Cotton Eyed Joe we would go out on this bridge in the middle of the pool and dance! It was hilarious! The hotel was awesome too. And who can forget the car ride there?! We took a friend and her dad (long story) and it was so much fun riding with her. We are bff's. She is my Godsister!!! I'm very tired at the moment, because this weekend was very tiring. I read the book Twilight over the weekend a lot, and I love it!! It's so intriguing. I really want to finish it so I can see the movie. Well sorry this is such a short blog but I'm getting pretty tired. I promise you a blog tomorrow! Bye guys!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Jordan's interview
Today is the interview with Jordan!!
Q: What's your name? A: I don't know. Haha it's JORDAN!!!!
Q: How old are you? A: I'm 11 and you know it!
Q: What is favorite color (s). A: Pink and light blue.
Q: What are some of your favorite activities? A: Shopping, swimming, hanging out with my buds and family.
Q: What is your dream? A: To swim with dolphins and be in the olympics.
Q: What do you want to stop? A: Child and animal abuse.
Q: Where do you like to chill or hang out? A: In my room or upstairs.
Q: What is a pet peeve of yours? A: When someone gets mad at you for something and then they do the same thing they got mat at you for. Example: 1:"Shut up and leave me alone!" 2: "I'm sorry I just wanted to talk." 1:"Oh I thought you were mad." 2: "Shut up and go away!"
Q: Where would you take an exotic trip? A: An underwater world so I could hang out with dolphins!
Q: What is your favorite subject? A: Social Studies.
Jordan really likes dolphins as you can tell from the interview. She is also very funny, and can be very hyper. If you want to know more about Jordan visit her website at www.freewebs.com/jordaneries
~~!!Splashton!!~~ (Yes I know I used a lot of punctation but I like punctation.)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The interview with Madison
I did another interview! This time it was with Madison.
Q: What is your name? A: Madison.
Q: How old are you? A: 11 1/2.
Q: What is your favorite color? A: Lime green! It's so bright.
Q: What is your favorite sport? A: Swimming.
Q: What is your wish? A: To make it to the olympics in swimming.
Q: What is one thing you want to stop? A: Animal Abuse.
Q: What kind of day do you enjoy? A: Warm days.
Q: What is your pet peeve? A: Nosey people.
Q: What is a food place you really like? A: Buffets.
Q: Where would you take an exotic trip to? A: Outer space. I want to float around.
Thanks for your time! As you can see Madison isn't really a tree huger or computer nerd (no offense just examples!) , but when you get to know her, you find out she LOVES animals. I'll have another interview tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Interview with Katie
Hey it's time for the first interview! Here we go:
Q: What is your name? A: That's easy. Bob! Just kidding it's Katie.
Q: What is your nickname? A: The Rawkin' K
Q: When is your birthday? A: When do you think? Haha, it's July 1st.
Q: What is your favorite color? A: Purple.
Q: What is your one and biggest wish? A: To stop global warming.
Q: How does it feel to have 3 brothers, and yourself? A: It feels horrible at times, and fun at times. But the house is usually loud.
Q: What is the number one career you want to have when you grow up? A: That's easy! Something with science.
Q: Do you want to become a president someday? A: No.
Q: If you could take a trip somewhere exotic where would it be? A: Mars.
As you can see Katie likes the earth, and thinks it's falling apart. If you want to help the earth, recycle paper and plastic, pick up your litter, reduce the amount of lighting you use, and anything else! Visit Katie's site at www.katieneilson.com
Monday, November 10, 2008
Gold again.
Heya! S0 last night I swam with gold again! It was a lot better than last weeks practice. It was so fun too!! We did tons of 125's and a 500 kick! Then we did 2x500's. First easy second fast. We did 24x50's for warmup. We also did some other stuff, but I forget. It was so awesome. On my first 500 I went 6:33 and then on my second I went 6:24. I felt great so I did really good. We were in different lanes this time, so me and my friend from silver were in a lane, sharing it with two girls from gold. I even beat the girls that are in gold! I love swimming with gold on Sundays. As I told you in my other blog, I really love swimming with this group. I feel really strong and fast when I swim with them. I don't have school today or tomorrow, but I do have swim practice today! I just want to tell you that I will be doing a little interview segment with different people. In my next blog I will interview my best friend Katie. Well it's time for lunch! I'll talk to you guys later! Toodles = )
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
HIIIII! I swam with gold on Sunday! It was the bomb! I didn't feel so well in the middle of practice but then I went to the bathroom and felt a lot better. I did good for my first gold practice, but I'm gonna do great next week. Some of my friends swim with me on Sunday's =) and some don't =(. It's so much fun swimming with gold! It can be tiring, but we know it makes you faster!! Our practice was so awesome! We did lots of long distance, which I totally and absolutely LOVE!!!! When I swim with gold, I feel extremely fast and strong. I feel like I'm bigger than everyone else. I also feel taht when I swim at meets. Sorry I didn't post about it early, I was busy! Now for another short subject. Today as you all know, is November 4th. November 4th is a very special day. Every 4 years on November 4th we have an election for president. This year our candidates are John McCain (Republican Party), Barack Obama(Democratic Party), and more that I don't want to name because there is too many. See how lazy I am?! Haha. Well thank you for reading and choose wisely for your vote!
Lazy Booty
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Hey guys!!!!! Oh my gosh that was the best halloween ever! I got so much candy! We went all around the neighborhood and it was kind of tiring. We left at 5:30 pm and got back at about 7:00. Even though we weren't even out for two hours, we didn't have any room left in our trick-or-treating pumpkins. One of my friend's houses (She was trick-or-treating with us) was really really cool. Her mom put big sticks in their front yard, and then put this spider web all over and on the sticks. It was so spooky. My other two friends that came lived farther away so we didn't get to go to their houses. At first we would run to the houses to beat the boys, but then we got tired. After a long night of trick-or-treating we came back to my house. Our tradition every year is to sit down in my living room, pour out our candy in our area, and bid! What I mean by bid is, "Anyone like Milk Duds?" Then someone else would say "Ooh I do! Here I'll give you Sweet-Tarts." And they throw them across the room to the person and catch what the person is throwing to them. It's a lot of fun and a good way to trade the candy you don't like. Well remember about the contest and I will keep checking for new comments! Buh bye!
~~Splash =)
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