Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Oh dang. I feel SO bad. I jumped right out of bed when I realized I missed it. My heart stopped. I MISSED MY ANNIVERSARY OF THE BLOG! Hmph. Well, at least April Fool's Day is tomorrow! Do you know the prank's you're gonna pull? I HAVE NO IDEA! I'm gonna look up some good pranks on Google. Leave a comment, telling me what prank you did, and how it turned out. I always love a good laugh! Also, tomorrow is my first track meet. YIKES! I'm running the 4x100 meter relay and the 800 meter. AHHH! Haha. Just kidding. I'm not scared. Well maybe a little. Oh and another thing! I decided to stop writing the story "Those Old Old Days". I want to make a romantic mystery novel. Kind of like Twilight. It's called, "The Follower". My plot is pretty good, if I must say so myself. I'm really into this book, this time, so when I DO finish it, I'll put a copy on here or something. Oh yeah and one more thing. Here is a site to help you with your April Fool's pranks:
Also this is a really good prank. Switch all the cereal bags in a different box, so when your family goes to pour their cereal, they get all mixed up! Thanks for reading and I'm really sorry!

Good luck on your pranks,

Saturday, March 21, 2009

So many birthdays!

Happy early Birthday Noah!!!!

Happy late Birthday Madi!!

Happy Birthday Aylissa!

This blog is a birthday-blog for all my friends who have birthdays in March. Each picture will be for a certain friend.
The picture on the left is for Aylissa. Happy birthday!
The picture on the right is for Madison. Happy late birthday!  Happy late birthday girl!!!
The second picture in the center is for Madi. Happy late birthday!
The first picture in the center is for Noah. Happy early birthday!
Happy birthday to all of you guys, and I will talk to you later!


Science Experiment

First things first. I decided to change things up a bit. Second thing is today is my friend's birthday, her name is Aylissa, so that picture is dedicated to her. I'm here!! Today I have to my first trial of my science experiment. I am seeing which candle lasts longer. A scented or a non-scented. My hypothesis is scented (Yes, most people think non-scented but I wanted to be different and take a chance). My testable question is: Do scented candles last longer than non-scented candles? I have to watch them burn for like 3 hours, but they are tea lights so they won't last for a very long time. I'm starting in about a half an hour. I'm not getting into real details like I did for my steps when you had to write them down at school, but I will give you the basics.
Step 1- Put the candles in the same environment, a little bit away from each other.
Step 2- Have someone light the candles at the EXACT same time, while you start the stopwatch.
Step 3- Once one candle has gone out, mark down the time but DO NOT stop the stopwatch.
Step 4- After the second candle has gone out, stop the stopwatch and mark the time.
Step 5- Make sure you put which candle lasted longer.
Step 6- You're finished!
So that is pretty much what I will be doing. Oh and one last thing. HAPPY SPRING!!! It's finally here! Ahh, hardly no more cold weather! Happy weekend everyone! Thanks for reading!

Happy Birthday Aylissa,

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Yola it's Splash! I'm doing track this year! It's fun! I hurt my ankle though. Not in track. Before track. So I have to wear this brace thing. It doesn't affect my swimming, so no worries there. I also am NOT missing any swim practices for track. Except maybe for a few meets. My legs are pretty sore, since I'm outta shape. On Monday, I couldn't run since my ankle hurt so bad. When we got the brace, I could run and it didn't hurt! Ahh. What sports do you do?? Track will help me with swimming. YAY! It will make my legs stronger. Oh yeah I totally forgot. An update on JO's!
Our relays did pretty good. Not as good as I wanted. But one of the girls just got over pneumonia. On my individual event, I did good also. I had goggles full of water, and I was right on my best time! Isn't that awesome? One more part. This is dedicated to a few friends.
Bowchicawowow Thats what my baby says!
Mow wow wow  And my heart starts pumping
Chicachicatuop Never gonna stop!
Getchigetchigoo Means that I love you!

(Sorry that is really hard to spell.)
Thanks for reading!


Thursday, March 12, 2009


Yup, if you saw my title, it's tomorrow! JO'S IS TOMORROW!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I'm leaving tomorrow since I'm not swimming in the Friday session, (Yes, sad but at least I made it to this meet!) but I am swimming Saturday and Sunday. Saturday I'm swimming one relay, and the rest of the day is just go around the city! It's gonna be so much fun. The next day is my other relay, and the 500 freestyle. I can't wait! This is going to be fun!! My friends Jordan, Mya, and Kate are on my relay. My other friend, Miranda, isn't because she isn't in our age group. Some of my other friends, Jared and Noah, are going too. For those that are reading this, and you're not going but you are still my friend, you guys know who you are. Well, you guys still did spectacular this season! The short-course season ends after State, and then it's time for LONG-COURSE!!!! Anyways, just wanted to give you an update. I will be blogging while at State, because like always, I'm bringing my computer! Gotta go study for a social studies test. Blah! Thanks for reading!

Over and Out!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The last day of the A-meet

Sorry I didn't tell you yesterday. I'm a forgetter and that's what I do :). Anyways, I did totally AWESOME yesterday!!!! In my 200 free, I didn't get the JO (Yes I know, very sad) but I did drop 2 seconds!!!! I got 3rd, so I got a flower! OH YEAH! In my 100 back I dropped a second and placed 7th! YAY! In my 100 free I dropped a second, but that wasn't fast enough to get on the podium. The girls I raced are like twice my size! NOT KIDDING! They are huge! I'm not that small either. Here were my times:
200 free- 2:12.64
100 back-1:12
100 free-1:02
I did really good! I'm so happy!! Oh yeah, on Wednesday, we are meditating. For JO's. During practice. Hmph. I'll live with it. I won't let it ruin the JO spirit. It's not THAT bad, but it would be totally fine if we did AFTER or BEFORE practice. Eh, it's not terrible. Well, it's time to get ready for bed! Toodles everyone!
