Thursday, March 18, 2010


Uh oh! This is a heads-up for all you Facebookers! Facebook, as most of you know, is the number one social networking site. Facebook is also, my favorite website of all time :). A virus is going around on Facebook, so watch out! Do not join any groups with similar names to this one: Change the color of your profile!
Learn how to type upside down!
Add music to your profile
Any other group or fan pages are okay, but these are not. These are how viruses get into your computer. They want you to do all this stupid stuff, and then it turns out, (as always) it doesn't work. If you have a Mac, you are safe, we are immune. If you have a PC or Dell, I would be careful and watch what you are joining and becoming a fan of. Also, remove friends who have the virus. Yes, it's not a fun thing to do, just explain what you're doing before you do it. One of my friends had a virus, and she kept sending me all these links to youtube and stuff. I asked my other friends that were also friends with her if they got them, and they said yes. I removed her, and she made a new Facebook, but that one was hacked and a virus entered it also. She removed herself completely from Facebook, and is only on Myspace.
If you get the virus, I would recommend doing what she did. Make a new page. If that also gets hacked, then you should join a different social networking site, but I would not recommend Myspace. Get AIM, or Skype, or Yahoo Messenger.
This is just a heads-up, there is no guarantee you will or will not get the virus! Hope this helps!


Alrighty, so JO's was last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Let me tell you, it was a BLAST! One of the funnest meets I've been to! On Friday I dropped in my 200 free, and on Saturday our relay did pretty well. But lemme tell you, my individual race, not so much. I gained six seconds, and got dead last! Woooh! Hahaha. But Sunday, I was in the championship heat for both of my events, so I scratched the 100 free in the morning so I could sleep in. I got to go in the ready room and stretch and talk with my friends from other teams, and then we paraded out while they played "We Will Rock You". I practically got my same time in the 500, so that's pretty good. Our relay was ranked sixth, and we were hoping to place, but we got seventh. We still dropped though, which is always good! We did notice though, that the relay next to us, put either vaseline or oil on them. Their skin looked awfully shiny, so when I "accidentally" brushed by them, whatever they had on their skin went on mine! They cheated! I HATE CHEATERS. Whatever, if they have to cheat to win, they aren't winners. :) Overall it was a really fun and good meet.
Well that's all for now, thanks for reading!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Heyy! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Very busy. A lot of meets, huge projects, oh the life of a student!/:. Anyway, Thursday I headed up to Chicago for Seniors!! It was a blast! The first time ever, it was so much fun! Only five of us there, but it was Thursday and a lot of people didn't swim the long distance. I didn't taper for Seniors, I was tapering for JO's. So yeah, my time stayed the same. But overall the meet was very very very veryx10000000000 fun!(:.
Oh and lemme give you a quick update on regionals. I got a best time in everything except the last event of the whole weekend, the 200 free. Let's see. My friends and I had a blast. Lots of pictures. Some cool ones of us underwater too! I got to hang out with some people I don't get to see a whole lot. Oh and did I mention, I had a blast?!!! Here's what I got, places wise. 5th, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 4th, 3rd, 6th, 4th, 1st. The only reason I know this is because I have my medals in my lap(:. All my friends did great! They all got on the podium at least once, and a couple of the times they won! It was great!! Well, thanks for reading, see ya later!