Monday, May 26, 2008
Hey it's Splash again! What's up?! Isn't the weather just fantastic today! Where I live it's 80 degrees! Thursday is my last day f school and I am so excited! I am going to be a 5th grader soon! My friend is having me and some other friends over on Thursday and the next day my other friend is having a sleepover on Friday to celebrate no school! Well today's blog is going to be about the story I am writing. It's called "The case of the Missing Band!" It's about the new girl meeting new friends, then the school closes unexpectedly. No one knows what happened and the people that do know, won't tell. The new girl, Samantha, and her friends, Jackie, Zack, Cody, Taylor and Peter, try to solve the case. I haven't finished it yet, but I have been adding more and more onto it every day. When I finish it I will post the WHOLE story. I hope you guys like it. If you have any ideas for my story post a comment and tell me. I would really appreciate that! The ideas for the story just popped into my head and I wrote them down. Then, I started the story. Well, I think I am gonna go get back to that story so BYE! Have a great week and thanks for reading!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
State report
Hey it's Splash again! Last week, I was working on my state report and I presented it today. It went well. My state is Rhode Island. I'll sum up my report. (I am pretending I am the state) My name comes from the Isle of the Rhodes in the Aegean Sea. I can fit into Alaska 500 times. My state bird is the Rhode Island Red. It's a chicken! My state tree is the red Maple which can grow to be 50 feet tall. My state flower is the violet. I am the smallest state. I am 40 miles by 30 miles. My population is 1,048,003. My population per square mile is 1,003,001 and that's second in the nation's ranking. My state fruit is the green apple. My state drink is Coffee Milk, which you can ONLY buy here! My state has the largest temple. Since I border the Atlantic Ocean, my annual fish catch is 85 million dollars! My state song is "Rhode Island It's for Me!" Those are just a few things about my state. When I had to show my class where it was located, I had to use a pointer since it was so small. Some people still couldn't see it though!! I am very excited because May 29th, I get out of school! I just go until 11:00 am though! This week we have had no homework, and I think that's how it's going to be for the rest of the year. On the last day if school, it is the talent show. This is all I think we will do next Thursday. Go to Mass, empty out our desks, talent show, and treats and report cards. Then, off we go for summer! I am so excited because I am almost a 5th grader! Well I have to get ready for bed. Thanks for reading and have a great day!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Hey it's Splash again! Yesterday was the last day for Carbondale, the meet I told you about in my other post. On Friday, I swam one event. The 400 meter free. I started out with a time of six minutes and ten seconds and when I finished I came out with a time of five minutes and thirty-eight seconds! What a time drop!! The next day, I swam 4 things. I swam the 100 meter back, 100 meter free, the 50 meter fly, and the 200 meter IM. On my back I got one minute and thirty seconds, which was a best time and a JO! (Junior Olympics) On my 100 free, I got one minute and sixteen seconds, which was also a best time, and another JO! On my 50 fly, I got forty-three seconds, not my best time or a JO. On my 200 IM I got three minutes and sixteen seconds, best time, but not a JO. After I swam those events, I went to eat at Booby's, then I went horseback riding with my friends. After that I went back to the cabins, where I was staying and play with all my friends there as well. The next and final day I swam the 200 meter free, 50 meter back, 50 meter free, and 100 meter fly. On my 200 free, I got two minutes and forty-three seconds, best time, one second away from a Zone which is better than a JO. On my 50 back I got forty-four seconds, a best time, not a JO. On my 50 free I got a thirty-five, a best time and a new JO!! On my 100 fly I got one minute and forty seconds which was a best time, but two seconds away from a JO. This was one of my most favorite meets of the whole year. Every time it comes up, I am so excited. It's so much fun going there! I can't wait until next year!! Thanks for reading, and good luck in your sport!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Say WHAT?!
Hey it's Splash again! Guess what happened yesterday at our school?! Some one wrote in the boys bathroom "I am going to bomb the school, May 15th at noon" It was really scary. We had to do Adoration, and it was supposed to be at 10:45 am, but they said "Father's schedule has changed so we need an ALL school Adoration now!" The real reason was because they needed the school to be evacuated. They made everyone turn their cell phones off, because that might be a way to trigger a bomb. There were 2 police cars searching the school. A K-9 unit and a regular one. Adoration went on forever since they needed to make the school was clear. There wasn't any bombs but who ever wrote that is in serious trouble. The teachers weren't allowed to talk about it but some one found out, told it to my friend, who told it to me, and then it went on. Well it wasn't the correct side of the story but they had the main idea right, the bomb. Finally, when my teacher heard all the whispers, she knew what it was about. To clear things up, she told us what happened. She told us what the true story was, why we were at Adoration so long, and why there were police cars outside. We were all really scared but she told us no bombs were in the school. Our school sent out an alert to every parent in the school, telling what happened. The boys' bathroom is taped shut, and it might stay like that until next week. Oh yeah, today's the day for the meet! Well I have to go because I am getting ready to leave. Thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mothers' Day!
Hey it's Splash again and today is Mothers' Day! Have you made a card yet? I've made 2
and my brother has made 1. They look so kewl! What are you doing for Mothers' Day?
Post a comment telling me! Today is a really good holiday so RESPECT your moms!
Make sure you're extra nice to them! Make them a special breakfast, do extra chores,
make them special cards, take them to a fancy meal, etc. Any of those would make a
Mothers' day special. The most important thing about Mothers' Day is showing your love.
If you can't do any of the above, show your love more than you do every other day! I know
here where I live, it's rainy and cold today, but that won't stop me from making this
Mothers' Day the best one yet! So if you are artistic, creative, a good cooker, or just love
your mom, this day will go great! Thanks for reading and Happy Mothers' Day!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Practice, Practice, Practice, and a little more PRACTICE!
Hey it's Splash again! My swim team has been working so hard since a HUGE meet is coming up. This morning we swam a lot more than this but the main things were, 600 yard free, 5, 100 IM's, 500 yard free, 5, 100 yard IM's, 300 yard free, 5, 100 yard IM's! It wore me out but when I got home, I played on my new Wii! Oh did I forget to mention that I got a Wii on Thursday?! Well I did and it's so fun to play! I got a "zaper" gun and Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I haven't gotten to play them yet but I will! Well back to practice. The meet is on Friday and I only have 3 more practices left! The great thing about it is I get to miss school on Friday and I get to have fun swimming, but I also get to horseback ride on Saturday!! The practices have been really hard lately but I can handle it. Right now I am working on a Mothers' Day Card for my mom. I hope she likes it! Well I think I am gonna get back to that. Oh, and sorry I haven't been blogging, I have had lots of school work and tests so it has been hard. I had a preposition test and I had to name 40 of them! I got a 95%. Well I have to go! BYE and thanks for reading!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
I'm done!
Hey it's Splash again! Sorry, again, I have been busy. The play went great! It was so much fun! On the Friday night show it went from 7:00 pm to 9:15 pm but I was there at 5:30 pm because of make-up. It was fantastic! I'll tell you my make-up. I had pink eyelids, green circles on my cheeks, green eyebrows, white dots under my eyes, and some funky pick and yellow hair. The green was a minty/lime green. It looked really cool! Friday's show became sold out but a line of 50 people were waiting to get in! We even went over the capacity for the fire department! WOW! I was really nervous on Friday but Saturday' shows were easier since I had already done a show. When we performed, we did better than in dress rehearsal (and I though we couldn't get better!) If you guys get the chance to do a play, take that chance!!! After the all the play's finished, I was wiped out! Then on Sunday, we had Strike, which was where you take down the set and clean up the whole place. I had to mop both bathrooms, girls and boys! I also had to clean the sinks and toilets (and the special boy toilets, which I won't name.) It was a lot of fun and I am very glad I got the chance to do it! Thanks for reading.
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