Wednesday, May 21, 2008

State report

Hey it's Splash again! Last week, I was working on my state report and I presented it today. It went well. My state is Rhode Island. I'll sum up my report. (I am pretending I am the state) My name comes from the Isle of the Rhodes in the Aegean Sea. I can fit into Alaska 500 times. My state bird is the Rhode Island Red. It's a chicken! My state tree is the red Maple which can grow to be 50 feet tall. My state flower is the violet. I am the smallest state. I am 40 miles by 30 miles. My population is 1,048,003. My population per square mile is 1,003,001 and that's second in the nation's ranking. My state fruit is the green apple. My state drink is Coffee Milk, which you can ONLY buy here! My state has the largest temple. Since I border the Atlantic Ocean, my annual fish catch is 85 million dollars! My state song is "Rhode Island It's for Me!" Those are just a few things about my state. When I had to show my class where it was located, I had to use a pointer since it was so small. Some people still couldn't see it though!! I am very excited because May 29th, I get out of school! I just go until 11:00 am though! This week we have had no homework, and I think that's how it's going to be for the rest of the year. On the last day if school, it is the talent show. This is all I think we will do next Thursday. Go to Mass, empty out our desks, talent show, and treats and report cards. Then, off we go for summer! I am so excited because I am almost a 5th grader! Well I have to get ready for bed. Thanks for reading and have a great day!


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