Saturday, August 2, 2008


Hey you guys! Duh, its your favorite blogger, Splash! Well I just got back from JO’s. And I did great!!!! I’m really proud of my performance. Yesterday I swam 4 things including the relay. First event of all was the medley relay. We did good. The first individual event was 100 free. I dropped a second and... GOT A ZONE!!!! Then I swam the 200 IM. I dropped a second also but didn’t get the zone in that. My last event, the 100 back, I gained a second, but I was tired. So far I was having a good meet, and I was having a lot of fun. The next day I had 4 events again. To start the day off we did the free relay. We did great again. Then it was the 50 free and I had a 35.02 I ended up with a 34.94. I was happy. Then I had the 100 fly. Fly is not my stroke and I really don’t care for the 100 fly, but I like the 50. Anyway, I gained 2 seconds. My coach said he wasn’t worried about that race, he was worried about my next event the 200 free. It was my event. Everyone has an “event” of their own. Mine is the 200 free. The first thing I got a zone in. I was nervous but I knew swim your heart out and you’ll do fine. Well when I looked at the clock I dropped 3 seconds and got 4th over all. I was extremely happy because I’d be getting on the podium. All my friends were really happy. Oh and btw, I was 4th over all and that means I’m 4th fastest in my state!! I got a medal and that was the best way to finish my weekend. I would be swimming tomorrow but 10 and unders don’t swim on Sunday at JO’s. Well thats all for now, I think I’m gonna get some sleep, because I’ve got MegaZones on Wednesday but I think I leave Tuesday. Thanks for reading!



Anonymous said...

fourth HA HA HA

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! The last comment was from somebody that did not even qualify!

Splash said...

Yeah i know. Lets see you get in the pool and WIN with someone who goes a 2.21.07. You didn't even make it and I was the SMALLEST person there. Go get a life!

Anonymous said...

GET A LIFE!!! FOURTH IS GREAT!!!! Illinois is a good swimming state. Sorry Splash, but there is a YMCA championship meet... your not 4th in the state.
Great Blog though!
(p.s. I live up by Chicago!!! I was at the meet!!!)

Anonymous said...

Don't worry young lady your fourth is more than valid only a pinhead would try and take that away from you.

Anonymous said...

They don't even have a 200 free at districts or area for the YMCA teams for the 9-10 age group, so yes you are fourth and you should be proud. Also no, there is no Illinois ymca state meet. This goofball could not find state any easier than they could the far end of the pool.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ashton!! Its Bobby!! the person that said 'fourth ha ha ha' is mean but how do you know they didnt quailfy??? I thikn KAtie wrote the comments about the fraica and mexico and some of the other comments!!!

Splash said...

They didn't qualify because someone who did qualify would have more class on that.

Anonymous said...

I dont know I dont want to start an argument but some people that are really fast think that that fourth is bad or something like that, I heard some people talking about how some one did horrible when they got third at some meet I dont remember but they should have class!

Splash said...

yes they should but i know they didn't qualify because they were laughing at how Matt made it to olympic trials. if you made it there you made it to state and its so hard to make it to olympic trials so i KNOW they didnt make it to state.

Anonymous said...

just so you know i did make state and the reason i post these comments is because i cant stand braggers. So I post these comments because they hurt peoples feelings plus I don't know you and it get the anger out of my system. So when you brag, I get angry, but I am sorry about the thing about your teammate, but I am 11 and I can kick butt!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sorry i didn't finish it where i put they hurt peoples feelings i meant to say because they hurt peoples feelings,just like you hurt other peoples!

Splash said...

i don't! i just have something to blog about so y don't i?! and i think i have a good idea of who you are...

Anonymous said...

There is a big difference between bragging and being proud of yourself! Writing in your blog that you are so totally happy because you got straight A's or because you made a goal like like getting 4th at state is not what I would call bragging, it is being proud of your accomplishment. Just like if you wrote in your own blog that you got a best time or won a heat, sure there will always be someone better but hey for you it is a huge deal and it is your blog that you write about yourself not a newspaper about all the other swimmers in the world. People that put you down for being proud of yourself are either jealous or scared that you are doing better than them or at least you feel better about yourself than they feel about them self. You go girl, and be proud of every A you get in school and every race you swim in the water, and never let the haters make you sad, write here about everything that makes you proud of yourself!!! Some of us like to see happy people being happy!

Splash said...

wow. that opened things up. she's right. so hopefully all you haters will look at that comment and think "wow was i dumb!"

Anonymous said...

Ashton its me,Jordan, your my best friend,or you were. I want to make this clear, I did NOT post that comment, why would I was happy for you, of cousre when i put that thing on AIM I wasn't mad at you I was just mad, I was retarted when I did that, but I thought we had this figured out, I kept my promise I didn't do anything else!! If there was a time machine I would go back and fix everything!! But i can't so if it happened in the past and we worked it out, then forget about it. when you think about it, it may make you feel mad. and upset but they were really really REALLY sorry.
Please belive me.