Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Interview with Katie

Hey it's time for the first interview! Here we go:
Q: What is your name? A: That's easy. Bob! Just kidding it's Katie.

Q: What is your nickname? A: The Rawkin' K

Q: When is your birthday? A: When do you think? Haha, it's July 1st. 

Q: What is your favorite color? A: Purple.

Q: What is your one and biggest wish? A: To stop global warming.

Q: How does it feel to have 3 brothers, and yourself? A: It feels horrible at times, and fun at times. But the house is usually loud.

Q: What is the number one career you want to have when you grow up? A: That's easy! Something with science. 

Q: Do you want to become a president someday? A: No.

Q: If you could take a trip somewhere exotic where would it be? A: Mars.

As you can see Katie likes the earth, and thinks it's falling apart. If you want to help the earth, recycle paper and plastic, pick up your litter, reduce the amount of lighting you use, and anything else! Visit Katie's site at www.katieneilson.com 


Anonymous said...

i think people like Al gore just make matters worse! All he does is scare people, the hole in the equator is closing up, so that will help the ice caps, and its the big factories that make all of the pollution, we don't do all of that! I recylce and stuff like that but Katie the earth is not falling apart from my point of view!

Anonymous said...

weirdo.... If we don't do anything to stop global warming it will! PS this is Katie

Anonymous said...

i respect your point of view, and i agree that people need to stop littering and stuff like that but its not that bad! Factories cut down trees to make wood chips and houses but the replant them! Thats what most of them od now, because one place didn't do that and they got put out of buissness, which kills the economy! I'm much more worried about that now!

Anonymous said...

I'm not. If we made had solar panel companies, wind turbines, and other things, it would create more jobs. Talk about an economy booster!
You are right though, some companies do, others don't.

Anonymous said...

i agree but peopel are losing jobs as you read this!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

im with katie we have to get eco soon or we might die out later.

ps katie im splashs brother

Anonymous said...

we hould try to get some solar panels around here good idea

Anonymous said...

al gore will not care bout the eco environment

Anonymous said...
