Monday, August 10, 2009

JO's results... kinda late?

Sorry about not giving you my JO's results! I just realized that when I looked at my recent posts! Well I didn't do too hot, but oh well there was a reason to that. I won't mention it though. I was right on my best time in the 200 free, gained 6 seconds in the IM, and gained 8 seconds in the 400 free. Oh well. Hehe there was kind of a HUGE problem on Thursday night at the hotel. My dad realized that I left my swim bag... at home. So we had to call my friend's mom who was coming up the next day for the meet, so she could meet my Grandpa, so she could get in and get my swim bag. It was quite the night. But on Saturday we went to Six Flags! It was freaking amazing!! I had a blast! The Tornado and the wave pool were my favorite water things. And then my fave roller coaster was The American Eagle. Well I'm gonna get going. Thanks for reading!

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