Saturday, September 26, 2009


Man I keep dying! Well not in practice but after. I'm like so exhausted! It's really fun though. I have friends in that group, and I think I'm always laughing. We had to fill out this 3 page goal sheet though. It wasn't too hard, but I've been so used to other goal sheets. For the younger groups, It's the same old questions every year.
Name:___. Age:___. Birthday:___. Group:___. Team:___. Will you attend every practice and be on time?:___. What are your goals for this year?:___
Yeah well for Gold, it's so different! Our coach typed it all up and asks you how you will get better, how you act during the different kind of sets (Kick, Pull, Swim, Sprints, Dives, Turns, Tests). It's pretty amazing how everything changes from silver to gold! I really love it though. It's really fun, and it's really helping me! Well I gotta go! Thanks for reading!

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