Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Sorry I haven't blogged in such a long time guys!! I don't know why I haven't, I've just been kind of lazy! Anyway, here's an update one what's gone on lately.
About two weeks ago was a swim-meet in Quincy, and I did REALLY good! I finally got my senior cut in my 400 free, and I dropped in practically everything else!! It was a great meet! Lots of fun.(:
On Saturday I went to Seniors to swim the 400, (I scratched the 800, long story) and it was fun just hanging out with my friends from other teams. It was really crowded, but it was a nice campus and pool. I gained some time, but I was really nervous. I tried my hardest though! And at least I qualified!!(:
Sunday was the first cross-country practice. It was REALLY hot out, but it wasn't too hard.
Now I'm just hanging out, and sleeping in, because MORNING PRACTICES ARE OVER! :D So my summer has been pretty fun, hanging out with friends, going to water-parks and just having a gooooood time!(: Well I'm making some popcorn and it's almost done, so I should go get that! Thanks for reading(: Byee!

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