Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Power outage

It's me again! On the 19th of December we didn't have school because it was so icy out. We called it an ice day. On that Friday our power went out twice. Just for about an hour each time. Then on Saturday it went out at 7:30 PM, and stayed out until Sunday, 2:30 PM. It got down to 30 degrees in our house! We had to huddle up under the covers by the fire, wear hats and gloves, two pairs of socks, and a nice warm jacket. The only things we could eat were chips, granola bars, cereal (But you had to get in milk fast out of the fridge), and other things that didn't have to be cooked. It really stank. I hated that weekend. But if this ever happens to you, just do this:
1. Get 3-4 blankets.
2. Put hats and gloves on, and make sure you have a jacket and socks.
3. Put the blankets by the fire place, but not too close. Just lay them over each other on the floor.
4. Grab some pillows and put them with the blankets. 
5. Crawl under the blankets to stay warm.
6. Hopefully, by the time the power comes back on, you won't have froze to death. (It's a joke, it's a joke.)
So if it ever happens to you, just follow those steps and you should be fine! I survived didn't I? Or did I? What if I am a talking zombie?! You better run! ;)

Zombie Splash

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