Saturday, December 20, 2008

Twilight series

Ok so I'm totally obsessed with the Twilight series, and I feel like telling you a little about it. I am more than half way through New Moon, the second book in the series. I just started it about a week ago. In New Moon, I can't stand Bella. Bella is the main character in the book. She falls in love with a beautiful blood-sucking vampire, Edward Cullen. He was born in Chicago, IL in 1901,  but was turned into a vampire in 1917. He was dying of the Spanish Flu, and a doctor at the hospital he was staying at was a vampire. His name was Carslile. Edward's mother talked to Carslile as she was dying of the flu also, and said "Do anything. Just save my son." Carslile knew he could turn humans into vampires, so he turned Edward. Then Carslile turned his "mate" Esme. Then Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper. Alice saw Jasper, and was already turned into a vampire, but she had no idea who did it. Esme and Carslile were the "parents" and the others were the "kids." Bella fell in love, and so did Edward. Edward just knew it wasn't safe, because he wasn't her kind. At first, when Bella first moved to Forks, Washington, Edward really wanted to drink her, but they call themselves, vegetarians because they only drink animals and not humans. Anyway, Bella is really annoying because she obsesses over Edward, and another boy Jacob. She is really whiny too. You're going to have to read the series, if you want to know more. It's not a bad book, not a bad book at all, but she can get annoying at times. You should read the books. They are the best ever. There is 5 books in the series:
1. Twilight
2. New Moon
3. Eclipse
4. Breaking Dawn
5. Midnight Sun. (Which has been illegally put on the internet, so it may not be published, because Stephanie Meyer, the author, is too upset about what happened to fix the mistakes in the rough draft, which was published on the internet.)

-Splashton Cullen (I want to marry Edward!)

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