Irena Sendler was a Christian who lived in the time of WWII. Her father was a doctor, and always told her to help anyone in need, no matter their religion, social status, or nationality. Irena's father died of typhus. (He caught it from a Jewish patient.)
Irena disguised herself has a infection control nurse and went into the ghetto at least three times a day to try and persuade parents to letting her smuggle their children out using false identities. Sendler carefully recorded each child's Jewish name, Polish name, and address on scraps of tissue paper. She would hide the records in glass jars to be buried so after the war, the birth parents could find their children.
Despite her nurse's disguise, her expertly forged ghetto transit papers and meticulous skill at smuggling children out in toolboxes, suitcases, old sewer pages, and even coffins, but Sendler was caught. She was arrested and tortured for three months in Pawiak Prison, having her legs and feet broken. She was to be executed, but before it was carried out, Zegota (Polish underground) had spies bribe a guard to help the badly injured Sendler escape. Amazingly she still worked in the Polish underground.
After the war, Irena was shunned into obscurity.
No one knew about Irena until four Kansas City students found about her. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007, but the schmuck Al Gore, won it. He gave a freaking PowerPoint presentation on how he "saved the Earth of global warming." Yeah right! Irena saved 2500 children! She was tortured, and went into hiding so they wouldn't come find her after she had escaped! Not many people have that kind of courage.
So what do you think?
IRENA or Al Gore
I pick Irena. I hate Al Gore.
Irena died in May of 2008, at the age of 98.
I pick Al Gore. But, she should win a Nobel Peace Prize. Honestly, that's good for her. I'm on both their sides.
Does Al Gore get another for inventing the internet?
I DO NOT pick Al Gore. Bleh! Irena Sendler did so much more than that thing. And idk anonymous number dos.
You don't even KNOW all of what Al Gore has done. And at least Al Gore is alive. that stupid Irena doesn't deserve the nobel peace prize.
if just being alive gets you one maybe big Al gets one, if it involves much more then he did not deserve it. Opinions may be different.
I agree with the anonymous that commented at 12:32. the one that commented at 12:22 needs to lighten up, stop making rude comments, and BUZZ OFF. if you disagree with what my opinion is, and you want to be snotty, don't comment on here. MYOB. figure out what it means.
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