Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hiya guys!! I just got back from Carbondale on Sunday. I got 100% best times! I have a cold, so that is really good for getting fast times. I got the JO in the 400 free, (It's not a 500 because it's long-course) and was SUPER close in the 200 free. My nose is still super stuffy, but it's getting better. Carbondale was super fun!! The best swim meet ever!!! We went up to the top of the water tower, at the cabins, where we stayed. (When I say we, I mean all my friends and stuff.) Then, when it got dark out, we played freeze tag. But this is the fun part. My friend's mom brought glowsticks, and so each one of us got a different color. Then you picked a partner, who had almost the same color as you, and when you were frozen/it, that was the person who helped you. It was SOOOOO much fun!!!!!! Oh yeah, I wanna tell you, I get out of school on FRIDAY!!!!!! Yay! This week we are cleaning the whole classroom, so there is hardly any work. Just morning work, and then in the afternoon, math! I can't wait for Friday! We get out at 11:00 AM. I'm almost a 6th grader!! Okay well, I gotta get going! Talk to you later! Thanks for reading

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