Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cross Country

So on Sunday night, I had cross country practice! My brother, even though he is a year younger then what you have to be to run cross country, ran with us! He is really good. The practice was hard. At the end of the practice, we had to run for time, and it was about an 800 or so, and I dropped 6 seconds from my time from last week! I was so happy! Cross Country is so much fun! It's really long too haha. I run every Sunday night for now, but it will be like every other day when school starts, which is really soon!! :(. Anyway, this is a really fun sport. I guess I really like running. Swimming is my life though. These are my favorite sports:
2. Track
3. Cross Country
See? I like running a lot, but swimming is my thing. Oh and did I forget to tell you? JO'S IS THIS WEEKEND! I'm leaving tomorrow :). Oh and on Saturday, we are going to... SIX FLAGS! After I swim of course! Well I gotta go, early JO practice tomorrow morning. Practicing relay starts and such. Thanks for reading!

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