Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hey! I'm so sorry I haven't blogged in a while! I've just been REALLY busy. Anyway, we have a swim meet this weekend, and boy am I pumped! I love this meet so much. It brings back great memories. From the pool, and from hanging out with friends. I can't wait for this year! I am close to a zones cut in 2 events, and I am close to a JO cut in the 200 IM! I really hope it doesn't rain either. Oh and I want to give a quick shout out to my dad, who ROCKS entirely. I couldn't be this good without him. I love you so much, and thanks for EVERYTHING. 
I also wanna thank my whole family for giving me the support I need. 
One last shout out, to my friends from the pool, and school. Thank you so much for keeping a ton of laughter in my life. I feel like I'm going to puke when I'm with you guys. (From laughing too hard.) If you're reading this, and you're from the pool, you'll understand. 
They're gonna get married and have 3 kids, and name them Sla, Ack, and Er. Hahahaha!
I love you girls too much! Anyway back to the blog. I am just SO ready for this weekend. It's gonna be a blast!! Whoops gotta go, it's time for bed! Thanks for reading!

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