Tuesday, December 30, 2008

January.. tomorrow?!

Yup, as you can see by the title of this blog, January is tomorrow. Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I am going to my grandparents' house again, after we go eat dinner and maybe go see a movie. I want to see Marley and Me, but as I've heard, it's a tear jerker. It has Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson.  I also want to see Bedtime Stories, which looks hilarious. It has Adam Sandler in it, who is very funny. So you all need to be thinking of your New Year Resolutions, which I am thinking of too. You all should try really hard to not litter, reduce lighting in the house, and other things that can help the planet. (Katie if you are reading this that sentence is dedicated to you.) I have no idea why I am up so early, but I think I'm gonna go back to bed soon. I hope you all are reading for 2009, because it's on Thursday! Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009! I remember saying Goodbye 2007, Hello 2008! But that is so last year. Well I will have 2 more blogs for tomorrow, and one is called Hildey and Me. You will just have to wait! See ya!


Power outage

It's me again! On the 19th of December we didn't have school because it was so icy out. We called it an ice day. On that Friday our power went out twice. Just for about an hour each time. Then on Saturday it went out at 7:30 PM, and stayed out until Sunday, 2:30 PM. It got down to 30 degrees in our house! We had to huddle up under the covers by the fire, wear hats and gloves, two pairs of socks, and a nice warm jacket. The only things we could eat were chips, granola bars, cereal (But you had to get in milk fast out of the fridge), and other things that didn't have to be cooked. It really stank. I hated that weekend. But if this ever happens to you, just do this:
1. Get 3-4 blankets.
2. Put hats and gloves on, and make sure you have a jacket and socks.
3. Put the blankets by the fire place, but not too close. Just lay them over each other on the floor.
4. Grab some pillows and put them with the blankets. 
5. Crawl under the blankets to stay warm.
6. Hopefully, by the time the power comes back on, you won't have froze to death. (It's a joke, it's a joke.)
So if it ever happens to you, just follow those steps and you should be fine! I survived didn't I? Or did I? What if I am a talking zombie?! You better run! ;)

Zombie Splash

Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays! Did you have a good Christmas? I know I did! I got everything I wanted, and more! On Christmas Eve, the skit went really good, and it was pretty funny. I was so happy with what I got for Christmas, and I hope you were too. As everyone knows, 2008 is almost up, and you need to start thinking about your Resolutions. Anyways, back to Christmas. If you want, you can leave a comment telling me a few of the things you got for Christmas! Here are some of mine:
Digital Camera
Purse with girl stuff in it
Ed Hardy clothes, such as, shoes, 2 pairs of leggings, and 2 pairs of tights.
Hot Topic clothes, such as, 2 paris of socks, leg warmers, and a wallet.
And tons more!

I should be at swim practice right now, but I wanted to sleep in one day on Winter Break, and I chose today. I will be swimming tomorrow morning, and Friday morning though. I just wanted to let you all know, that last night we did 63x100's free! My legs are kinda sore right now, but my suit was digging into my side and neck, and it kills! I am reading Eclipse right now, not very far into it, but I'm going to go read it! Bye!!


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas time!

Seasons greetings everyone! It's time for Christmas. Christmas Eve is tomorrow, and I am going to my Grandparents' house. My cousins and I are making a small skit, and we can't wait to perform it. I hope I will blog on Christmas, but we all know how busy that day can get! I've been wrapping presents, and making Christmas crafts and cards, and now I am going to make reindeer feed. I am super excited for Christmas. We don't go anywhere on the holiday, but we have tons of fun at home! We play with all our new stuff, and it's a blast. I can't wait for tomorrow though! I always have fun with all my cousins, and the skit is really funny. It's about Santa on Christmas Eve, and how stressed out he gets. It's gonna be fun to perform. We have a lot of props for it, and I need to start getting them. Sorry about this being a short blog, but I am really busy right now! I will tell you all about the skit when I find time. And I will also tell you about my Christmas! Don't forget to comment!!! Bye for now!


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Twilight series

Ok so I'm totally obsessed with the Twilight series, and I feel like telling you a little about it. I am more than half way through New Moon, the second book in the series. I just started it about a week ago. In New Moon, I can't stand Bella. Bella is the main character in the book. She falls in love with a beautiful blood-sucking vampire, Edward Cullen. He was born in Chicago, IL in 1901,  but was turned into a vampire in 1917. He was dying of the Spanish Flu, and a doctor at the hospital he was staying at was a vampire. His name was Carslile. Edward's mother talked to Carslile as she was dying of the flu also, and said "Do anything. Just save my son." Carslile knew he could turn humans into vampires, so he turned Edward. Then Carslile turned his "mate" Esme. Then Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper. Alice saw Jasper, and was already turned into a vampire, but she had no idea who did it. Esme and Carslile were the "parents" and the others were the "kids." Bella fell in love, and so did Edward. Edward just knew it wasn't safe, because he wasn't her kind. At first, when Bella first moved to Forks, Washington, Edward really wanted to drink her, but they call themselves, vegetarians because they only drink animals and not humans. Anyway, Bella is really annoying because she obsesses over Edward, and another boy Jacob. She is really whiny too. You're going to have to read the series, if you want to know more. It's not a bad book, not a bad book at all, but she can get annoying at times. You should read the books. They are the best ever. There is 5 books in the series:
1. Twilight
2. New Moon
3. Eclipse
4. Breaking Dawn
5. Midnight Sun. (Which has been illegally put on the internet, so it may not be published, because Stephanie Meyer, the author, is too upset about what happened to fix the mistakes in the rough draft, which was published on the internet.)

-Splashton Cullen (I want to marry Edward!)


Hi guys! Sorry I haven't blogged in 11 days. That is really unusual for me. Just been busy. Please forgive me, I won't let it happen again!! Anyway, I'm concentrating very hard on mistakes I've been making in the pool. Not like bad mistakes, where I'm a bad kid, I mean like mistakes I'm making on my strokes. I can feel the difference when I don't make the mistakes. Maybe when I don't kick enough, or when I breathe in and out of my turns, or maybe I don't do streamline. I concentrate really hard on if I'm supposed to be sprinting on this 100 or 50, but I don't forget the habits I have to let go. So if you're a swimmer, then you would know how much you have to concentrate and let go of bad habits you contain. When I don't act of these bad habits, then I really do feel the difference in my swimming. I can feel me fly off the wall when I am in streamline, kicking like a rocket. Then I kick, and don't stop kicking, I can feel me glide through the water, a lot easier than before. When I don't breathe into or out of my turn, it is actually easier to go faster. I gotta go get ready for my Saturday morning practice, so I'll talk to everyone later!


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Yola guys! Ok so at the swim meet, I got all best times on Saturday, except my horrible 200 free. Yes, I did have a bad race, but that's all right. I actually had a good race, because I didn't make it a bad race. Making it a bad race is not learning something from the race. I learned something from that race. I learned I needed to have kicked more in the middle. Anyway, on Sunday I got 2 best times. The 100 fly and the 100 back. I dropped only a few hundredths in my fly and got down to a 1.15.29 in my 100 back! YES!! Oh and by the way, our relay got out J.O. in the medly! We had it in our free relay but we got disqualified. Friday wasn't that good of a day, but that's okay, because I have other chances. Anyway, I swam with gold last night. It was the best ever! It was hard, but not really hard. It was fun too. Swimming with gold is always fun. I was in my friend, Jared's, lane. I just heard breaking news. The governor of Illinois has been arrested! AHH! Well, we are decorating Christmas trees so I gotta get my booty going! Talk to you later! 


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


OH MY GOSH I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT BLOGGING! I have been really busy with swimming, Christmas decorations, and school.  Anyway, over the weekend I swam with gold TWICE! It was so awesome. Saturday was really, really hard. Even for the people in gold. Then on Sunday I was expecting hard, and of course it was. But there was only two people in each lane! I was with my friend, Chris (It's a boy). It was a lot of fun. I don't really remember the sets, but they weren't too exhausting. I have a swim meet this weekend, and I'm really pumped up. Wish me luck please! Anyway, I'm going to be checking the Halloween Costume Contest soon, the deadline for the costume is on Friday, the 5th. If you don't have it in, I'm sorry, but I've given you over a month! If you win, the prize will make you happy.. I hope!! Enter your friends' costumes in the contest too! Back to swimming. Tomorrow is the Christmas Party for our team, and then Friday is the meet! Well I should be getting ready for bed, so I will talk to you later. I'm really sorry I didn't blog sooner! And remember, ENTER COSTUMES!!

$p|_@$|-| (Splash)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Guys I'm sooooo sorry! I was really busy and over the weekend I was at a swim meet. I got 3 best times! In my 100 back, 50 back, and 100 fly. I'm really happy!! I had a blast with my friends. Every time they played a song after warm ups like Cha Cha Slide or Cotton Eyed Joe we would go out on this bridge in the middle of the pool and dance! It was hilarious! The hotel was awesome too. And who can forget the car ride there?! We took a friend and her dad (long story) and it was so much fun riding with her. We are bff's. She is my Godsister!!! I'm very tired at the moment, because this weekend was very tiring. I read the book Twilight over the weekend a lot, and I love it!! It's so intriguing. I really want to finish it so I can see the movie. Well sorry this is such a short blog but I'm getting pretty tired. I promise you a blog tomorrow! Bye guys!!

-ZZZZZZZZZZZ *Yawn* Splashton

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jordan's interview

Today is the interview with Jordan!! 
Q: What's your name? A: I don't know. Haha it's JORDAN!!!!

Q: How old are you? A: I'm 11 and you know it!

Q: What is favorite color (s). A: Pink and light blue. 

Q: What are some of your favorite activities? A: Shopping, swimming, hanging out with my buds and family.

Q: What is your dream? A: To swim with dolphins and be in the olympics.

Q: What do you want to stop? A: Child and animal abuse.

Q: Where do you like to chill or hang out? A: In my room or upstairs.

Q: What is a pet peeve of yours? A: When someone gets mad at you for something and then they do the same thing they got mat at you for. Example: 1:"Shut up and leave me alone!" 2: "I'm sorry I just wanted to talk." 1:"Oh I thought you were mad." 2: "Shut up and go away!"

Q: Where would you take an exotic trip? A: An underwater world so I could hang out with dolphins!

Q: What is your favorite subject? A: Social Studies.

Jordan really likes dolphins as you can tell from the interview. She is also very funny, and can be very hyper. If you want to know more about Jordan visit her website at www.freewebs.com/jordaneries

~~!!Splashton!!~~ (Yes I know I used a lot of punctation but I like punctation.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The interview with Madison

I did another interview! This time it was with Madison. 
Q: What is your name? A: Madison.

Q: How old are you? A: 11 1/2.

Q: What is your favorite color? A: Lime green! It's so bright.

Q: What is your favorite sport? A: Swimming.

Q: What is your wish? A: To make it to the olympics in swimming.

Q: What is one thing you want to stop? A: Animal Abuse.

Q: What kind of day do you enjoy? A: Warm days.

Q: What is your pet peeve? A: Nosey people.

Q: What is a food place you really like? A: Buffets.

Q: Where would you take an exotic trip to? A: Outer space. I want to float around.
Thanks for your time! As you can see Madison isn't really a tree huger or computer nerd (no offense just examples!) , but when you get to know her, you find out she LOVES animals. I'll have another interview tomorrow!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Interview with Katie

Hey it's time for the first interview! Here we go:
Q: What is your name? A: That's easy. Bob! Just kidding it's Katie.

Q: What is your nickname? A: The Rawkin' K

Q: When is your birthday? A: When do you think? Haha, it's July 1st. 

Q: What is your favorite color? A: Purple.

Q: What is your one and biggest wish? A: To stop global warming.

Q: How does it feel to have 3 brothers, and yourself? A: It feels horrible at times, and fun at times. But the house is usually loud.

Q: What is the number one career you want to have when you grow up? A: That's easy! Something with science. 

Q: Do you want to become a president someday? A: No.

Q: If you could take a trip somewhere exotic where would it be? A: Mars.

As you can see Katie likes the earth, and thinks it's falling apart. If you want to help the earth, recycle paper and plastic, pick up your litter, reduce the amount of lighting you use, and anything else! Visit Katie's site at www.katieneilson.com 

Monday, November 10, 2008

Gold again.

Heya! S0 last night I swam with gold again! It was a lot better than last weeks practice. It was so fun too!! We did tons of 125's and a 500 kick! Then we did 2x500's. First easy second fast. We did 24x50's for warmup. We also did some other stuff, but I forget. It was so awesome. On my first 500 I went 6:33 and then on my second I went 6:24.  I felt great so I did really good. We were in different lanes this time, so me and my friend from silver were in a lane, sharing it with two girls from gold. I even beat the girls that are in gold! I love swimming with gold on Sundays. As I told you in my other blog, I really love swimming with this group. I feel really strong and fast when I swim with them. I don't have school today or tomorrow, but I do have swim practice today! I just want to tell you that I will be doing a little interview segment with different people. In my next blog I will interview my best friend Katie. Well it's time for lunch! I'll talk to you guys later! Toodles = )


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


HIIIII! I swam with gold on Sunday! It was the bomb! I didn't feel so well in the middle of practice but then I went to the bathroom and felt a lot better. I did good for my first gold practice, but I'm gonna do great next week. Some of my friends swim with me on Sunday's =) and some don't =(. It's so much fun swimming with gold! It can be tiring, but we know it makes you faster!! Our practice was so awesome! We did lots of long distance, which I totally and absolutely LOVE!!!! When I swim with gold, I feel extremely fast and strong. I feel like I'm bigger than everyone else. I also feel taht when I swim at meets. Sorry I didn't post about it early, I was busy! Now for another short subject. Today as you all know, is November 4th. November 4th is a very special day. Every 4 years on November 4th we have an election for president. This year our candidates are John McCain (Republican Party), Barack Obama(Democratic Party), and more that I don't want to name because there is too many. See how lazy I am?! Haha. Well thank you for reading and choose wisely for your vote!

Lazy Booty

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hey guys!!!!! Oh my gosh that was the best halloween ever! I got so much candy! We went all around the neighborhood and it was kind of tiring. We left at 5:30 pm and got back at about 7:00. Even though we weren't even out for two hours, we didn't have any room left in our trick-or-treating pumpkins. One of my friend's houses (She was trick-or-treating with us) was really really cool. Her mom put big sticks in their front yard, and then put this spider web all over and on the sticks. It was so spooky. My other two friends that came lived farther away so we didn't get to go to their houses. At first we would run to the houses to beat the boys, but then we got tired.  After a long night of trick-or-treating we came back to my house. Our tradition every year is to sit down in my living room, pour out our candy in our area, and bid! What I mean by bid is, "Anyone like Milk Duds?" Then someone else would say "Ooh I do! Here I'll give you Sweet-Tarts." And they throw them across the room to the person and catch what the person is throwing to them. It's a lot of fun and a good way to trade the candy you don't like. Well remember about the contest and I will keep checking for new comments! Buh bye!

~~Splash =)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Can someone help me?

 HELP! I'm so bored. Like extremely bored. My friends are coming over tomorrow so I am making decorations for that but when I finish that what am I supposed to do? Someone posted a comment saying make a new blog so here it is. Tomorrow is Halloween and I will be posting a blog Saturday about how it went. I can't post one tomorrow because by the time we finish trick-or-treating it'll be around 10:30 pm! Leave a comment telling me what you were for Halloween! I'd love to know! I'm being Pippi Longstocking and I'm really excited. It's going to be so much fun having my own little Halloween party with my best friends, except I wish my other friend could come but she can't! It really stinks but at least my other three friends can come. Oh my gosh! A LIGHTBULB JUST DINGED IN MY HEAD! Ok so here is what I am going to do for Halloween on my blog. It's a contest for you guys! All you have to do is:
1. Post a comment telling me what you were for Halloween.
2. Describe what it looked like.
3. Tell me if you went trick-or-treating or not, and if you did, with who?
4. Wait for the results of who wins the costume contest!

Thanks and please enter the contest!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

1650. A race I love and hate

*****This is a special blog!*****
On Saturday night, it was a night I was nervous about, and pumped about. It was the night of the 1650. The night of the living 1650 I tell you!!!! Hehe I just wanted to make it sound spooky. Anyways, I was the third heat, right after the boys. I went up to the blocks and got ready when they were on lap 45. It was my time to shine! The starter blew his whistle and we stepped up on the blocks. Then, he started the race. It was 66 laps and my dad would look at my splits and tell me if I needed to pick it up or keep it where I was. When I finished I was out of breath but I looked at the clock right away. I dropped 2 minutes! My final time was 21 minutes and 36 seconds. Just to tell ya, I didn't have 23 minutes 36 seconds to start out with, I had like 23 minutes and something seconds. Just making that clear because some people like to get smart with me.... Anyway, the mile is a really hard race.  You have to have endurance, or you DIE. And I mean like DIE in the race, like just swim horrible. It's 66 laps in a 25 yard pool, and that equals a mile. I sometimes hate it, if I am really tired,  but when I'm done I know I accomplished something lots of swimmers can't do. Other times I love swimming it, because I'm not tired at all, but really really pumped for it. That's all I have to say for the mile, other than I LOVE SWIMMING IT! 

Long distance girl,

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Ello mates. It's Splash here ready to blog for you! So this weekend was our annual Spooktacular, which we host every year. I did really really good! I'm not gonna go through every time, but I will give you some of what I did. In my 500 freestyle on Friday night I dropped 17 seconds and went down to 6 minutes! In my 50 fly I dropped 3 seconds and went down to 34 seconds!!! In my 200 free I dropped 9 seconds and went down to 2 minutes and 17 seconds! For heat awards (if you win your heat) you got little rubber duckies. I won one, and my friend gave me his! I thought that was nice! So this year I got a Frankenstien (however you spell it) and a witch duck. Last year I got other ducks, which I am going to look for after I finish this blog. I had a whole lot of fun at the meet, and I am super glad I did so good. Spook is always a lot of fun, and I look forward to next year.  On Friday is Halloween and I am super excited. My friends are coming over at 3:30 pm and we are gonna go trick-or-treating together. I'm being Pippi Longstocking, my friend Aylissa is being a goth girl, my friend Megan is being a pirate, and my friend Rachel is being a hip witch. My other friend Kenna might come, but probably not. She is going to be an angel. Well I better be going. Talk to you later, and sorry I haven't blogged in a while!


Sunday, October 19, 2008

IMX meet

Waz up guys? Yeah nothing much here. Yesterday I had a swim meet. It's called the IMX meet. It's just PAWW and unusual events that we wouldn't swim at regular meets. I swam the 100 back, 100 breast, and 1000 free. Yeah that's right, the 1000! Three of my other friends swam it too. In my 100 back I dropped 2 seconds and won the event. In my 100 breast I dropped 11 seconds! In the 1000 free I went from 13 minutes and 17 seconds to 12 minutes and 43 seconds! Best time yet!!!!!!! I have another meet this weekend and I am going for the JO for 11-12 (since I just aged up) in the 500 free. I am confident I will get it or get really close to it! Wish my luck! The meet this weekend has 600 swimmers in it. It's called Spooktacular. Everyone calls it Spook though. We host it every year. I am going to the pool on Thursday even though I don't have practice, to help set up. I am also going to decorate with signs I made for the meet. They are very Halloweeny. I am also going to put up orange ribbon. My friend, Katie, is coming because like my dad, her dad and mom are coming to set up. She is going to help me decorate! I am really excited. Every year at Spook I have a ton of fun. It's my most favorite meet of the whole year! Well I gotta go, we are putting up Halloween decorations! Buh bye!!!! =)

Have a nice Sunday,

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hi! I'm 11 now! Yep, you heard it right! I turned 11 yesterday =]! It was sooooo much fun! I got tons of presents, and everything I wanted! I also got a lot of money! SHOPPING TIME!!!!!Hah.  Then I got even more presents. My friend from school gave me a keychain she made me from beads and lots of Dum-Dums. I also got a gift card, a shopping spree with my best friend, and clothes. It was one of the best birthdays ever. My other friend even bought me a happy birthday balloon with her own money! How sweet!!!! I was about to cry when her little 5 year old brother gave me his juice box and a bag of M&M's. Also be watching tomorrow, because I am going to blog about my swim meet I had today. Right now I'm a little too tired...... Hah. Don't worry I won't ever stop blogging on here! I love letting you guys know what has been happening in my life. Please check out my personal website www.ashtonadams.com
It has a lot of awesome stuff on there. Well I should be getting to bed now. Buh bye!

Peace Happiness and Love,

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Ello! I'm bored. How 'bout you? My birthday is on Friday! I'm excited about that. It's just, there seems to be nothing going on besides swim practice, which has been WAY too easy. It needs to be harder so we can go faster! DUH!!!!! But our coaches say they are doing it a different way. Well I hope their different way works! Whatevs. UGH!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT STAND HOW BORED I AM. Oh and if you read the blog where I said I was writing a story, well I stopped that one. I started a new one and I am typing it. I'm on page 7!!! It's called Those Old Old Days. I think it's really good. My grandma said she loved what I had so far. She said it is a true gift to write so well. Yay!!!! =]. I love people complementing my writing. It makes me feel so good. Oh and tomorrow is our grandparent lunch-in. We invite relatives to come each lunch at our school. I'm bringing my mom and my Godmother. I told my GM (Godmother) that it was a special person lunch not a grandparent lunch. She was like "What? I'm not a grandparent!!! Hah is you're mom coming?" I said "Sure thing!" "I'll be there," she said. So tomorrow I have that and Friday is my birthday! I guess it's not so bad. Hah ttyl!

Gonna be 11!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Practice =]

Heyy Heyy Heyy! Thanks for reading today's issue of Splash's Big Bad Blog.  Today I swam with gold group and I loved it. It was a lot of fun. It was hard, and long freestyle sets, but I love long freestyle sets. I am a long-distance girl! I have another practice tonight, but Monday's and Wednesday's aren't usually that hard =(. I love hard practices. They make you faster, and when you swim them you feel so fast. When you sprint like I do, it feels like someone is pushing you through the water, and you're just gliding. It's just a free feeling. I love swim practice and swim meets. I have so many friends on the swim team, it's hard to believe. I love all my friends and I thank you for coming into my life. If I didn't have you I think I might die. Friends are like air. Without friends, life is.... impossible. I have so many inside jokes with my friends at swim practice. We always hang onto those jokes. It's like, once you make a joke at the pool, no one ever forgets it. We are always saying "Remember when," or "Remember that time," or "Don't you remember?!" And you always do remember. I love being a swimmer. It makes my life so fun and adventurous. I'm a swimmer and I'm proud of it! Thanks everyone!!!! =]

Smile! =) You never know what's coming,

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


YO YO YO! Wuddup?? I'm gonna be 11 on the 17th!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH BABYYYYYY! This blog is just a bordom blog because I really have nothing to blog about. Last night I hurt my hip durning swim practice. It's not my fault. This kid was swimming and was about to flip and I was finishing and he rammed me with his head on accident. SO IT'S NOT MY FAULT. And it KILLS. Sorry about the caps I just LOVE caps hehe. I'd like to give a shout-out to my 2 friends that read my blog a lot. First is Katie. YOU ROCK GIRLFRIEND!!!! =]. ily! Thnx for reading and commenting so much. Second is Jordan. YOU ROCK TOO GIRLFRIEND!!! =]. ily2! (ily=i love you) Thnx for supporting this blog and commenting so much. This blog is deticated to everyone who reads this and comments on here. ILYGUYSM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (That = i love you guys so much) I am really happy 'cuz I don't have school this Friday or next Monday. 4 day weekend all the wayyy!!!!!!! Have a good day I'll talk to ya'll lata!!!! 

I'm hungry... Time to get a snack :d,


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Father Daughter Dance!!!!

Hey hey hey guys!! Last night was the first Father/Daughter Dance at my school!!! It was awesome! I had so much fun. My dad surprised me before the dance with a real corsage!! It was so beautiful. I thought that was really nice of him. I love my dad so much!!!! All my friends were there. I danced with my dad to 4 songs, and danced with my friends to the rest. I also danced with my teacher's daughter who was there. She loved dancing with me. :) We listened to the YMCA and songs by Taylor Swift, Jonas Brothers, Jordin Sparks, Hannah Montana, Leona Lewis, and a whole lot more. We also listened to some oldies for the dads. I knew a lot of them. My best friend, Aylissa, screamed this durning Burnin Up, "Everybody BREAK IT DOWN!!!!" It was hilarious. My other two best friends, Rachel and Megan, were really wild and funny. The food was delicious!! Aylissa had 6 thumbprints!! The soda they had was the best. I had like 6 glasses. I think I'm addicted to it!! Haha :D. It was Hawaiian Punch with Sprite and a little scoop of ice cream, all in the same cup. MMMMMMMMMM :d!!! I had tons of fun and if your school has one you have to do it. If you don't you'll be missing out on a lot!!!! Thnx for reading :)

Break it down,

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hello I'm taken!

Heyyyyyyyyyy! This story happened 2 days ago. This boy in my class, Gus, sits next to me. Well he "accidently" dropped his pencil under my desk. He leaned over an got his pencil, but then laid on my legs!!!!!!!!!!! He just sat his head on my legs and kept it there. I was like "Get off you retard!!!!!" Then he brought his head straight up and was like "Ahhhhhhhh" I was like "What the heck?!!!! I'm taken!!! I have a boyfriend! And he won't be happy when he finds out what you did" I don't really have a boyfriend but I had to say that to get him scared. He was like "So what's this guy's name eh?" I was like "Uhh Noah. Geez stay outta my business!!" Noah is really my best friend. After school that day my friend had to have Gus come over. They live close so they carpool and my friend has to have Gus over on Mondays and Wednesdays. Anyway, so my friend got on aim and I was like, go to my profile and show Gus the 3rd picture. My friend was like "Why???" I was like "It's Noah. Tell him he wasn't happy when I told him and that he is in 7th grade." Noah accually didn't even care. That's when Gus got freaked out. The next day he was like "Tell Noah I am really sorry for messing with his girlfriend and that I really don't want him to come hurt me" I just laughed. Noah would never do that. Haha. So that's my story. Pretty funny eh?

Laughter all over,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Movie star!!!!!

Hola ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I knew this a while ago, but I found out a lot more info last night. My dad was in a TV series called "Chisholms". His character name was Clay... I forget the last name. He was a sophomore in highschool. He got his own dressing room and tutor!!!!! One day when they were shooting, it was really super hot out. The sun was blazing down and they had lights on them too!! Anyway, my dad past out, so when they were giving him water and trying to wake him up.... You know Spiderman's aunt in the movie right? Well she laid his head in her lap!!! And while they weren't shooting these people stood behind the roped off area and waited for autographs. My dad signed a lot even thought he wasn't really that huge of a character. He said it was really fun. I think it is pretty awesome to have a dad in a movie/TV series! The series was on for 2 hours every night.... I think. Haha. Anyway, I really thought that I should share this with you for some reason. Thnx!!!! =]

Smiles and grins,

Monday, September 29, 2008


Hiiiiiii. So I told you to expect another blog today. Well here it is!!!!! At school a few days ago we had to run the mile or half mile for the Presidential Fitness Test. I chose to run the mile. Everyone in the class did except one person. Anyway I ran the mile, which is 11 laps around our school blacktop (which is a very good size) and when we finished our gym teacher would yell out our time and our partner would write it down. I got 9 minutes and 6 seconds. Just 3 seconds slower than someone who does cross country!!! I am the 5th fastest in the class, and proud off it!! I asked if I could just practice with cross country, and our gym teacher, who is in charge of it, said only if I had my physical test, which I haven't. She said "Well than nope. You can't run with us." When I got home I told my dad and he called my swim coach. You might be wondering why he called my swim coach. Well that's because my swim coach lives 1 minute away and runs. She said she'd like to get back to running, and my dad asked if I could run with her. She said sure. So last Saturday I ran 2 miles with her. We ran down some hills and up some hills and all around the park and neighborhood. I really enjoy running. It's a lot of fun. I'm glad I get to do it. It's a lot harder than it looks. My legs killed after both times I ran!!!! My dad said "Go take a really warm bath. The warmer the better." I was like "NO WAY!!!!" He replied "Just do it. It'll feel great when you get out, and it helps you so you don't get cramps." Well I did do it and he was right. It really helped. Running helps me with swimming too. So now I run and swim. If you get a chance to do it, take that chance!!! It's tons of fun!!!

-Splash =]

Friday, September 26, 2008


Ok it's moa!! Now people, listen up! I'm sick and tired of mean comments. I think some of the people I know but no names mentioned. Anyway, quit it. I didn't post anything public. But you guys aren't talking about me. Just quit dissing on me!! So ya'll need to, and I'm gonna say it on a public blog, SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!! You people need to stop taking your anger out on here. And I'm not kidding! So get a life and post mean comments on your own blog or something. GEEZ!!!!!!!!!!! And I'd like to go back to my nice side now. Thank you all who post nice comments. Thank you who post comments to help my blog become a better place. Thank you very much!!!! You guys rock. Please help defend me. These people are rude to me, and also kinda you nice people. I really appreciate everything the NICE people do. I do not want the MEAN people on here ever again. I don't even care if I loose lots of views because lots of people that look at this blog are mean. Just go get a life. Anyway thank you nice people very much. Biiii!!! =]


Sunday, September 14, 2008


Hey it's SPLASH!!!!!!!!!!!! This blog is about friends. Always have 'em. You need them. They can hurt you. And they can leave you. Maybe its the other way around. But all you have to know is "They weren't treating me like a friend. So why should I have had them in the first place?!" That's a question plenty of people ask. Don't give into peer pressure either. Peer pressure is when your "friends" want to pull you into what they're doing. This is for tween girls (I can't really speak for boys). Things you might not be allowed to do. Things that are wrong, such as, teasing, disrespecting, being brats for adults/coaches, etc. Don't do that. You'll make the mistake of your life and I am NOT kidding. This happened to me. And yet, I'm still here typing this blog, with friends that rock. I am typing this for YOU so you don't make the mistake I did. You need to know that it's not always right what those girls/boys do. If you know what you're doing is right, then stick with it and don't change it. Don't let them drag you into their crap. I needed to warn you. This may happen to you. So please put this into your precaution and take it seriously. Now for the older girls. Peer pressure for you is, smoking under age, drinking under age, sneaking out, etc. I can't really say anything else for you guy, since I'm younger. But just look out. Thanks guys


Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hola! It's your swimmer that is finally back in the pool! Ahh, yes, swimming did start again. Well our old coach left and is coaching a different group. So we have two new coaches. Well not new but they are new coaches to the group. We had two coaches last year and one of them stayed... but is only coaching on Friday's. So yes it is sorta sad but I am also happy because we get my dad's  awesome friend, (who is also the high school coach for the high school I am going to) Derek! He is so loud and funny, but like the coolest coach ever. I am so glad we are back in the pool. I have been so happy I forgot to blog about it! Oh and there is a  Father-Daughter Dance at my school! My friends are going and so am I!! I get to go shopping for a dress too! Anyway back to the subject. I am so outta shape its embarrassing. But so is everyone else so it's not that bad. YAY! I am so happy to be swimming again. It was so boring without it. Tomorrow is back to school night at our school. It's where the parents come in and talk to our teachers and look at our classrooms at stuff. Just thought I'd fill ya in. Anyway I will talk to you guys soon! Toodles Noodles


Monday, September 1, 2008


It's the swimmer again. Hey guys. I just got back from vacation last night. We went to Indiana and Michigan! In Indiana we went to a beach that had a sand dune called Mt. Tom. My mom, brother, and I climbed it while my dad stayed behind. The beach was terrific there. I loved it. Then we headed to Michigan. We also went to a beach there, and a sand dune BIGGER than Mt. Bauldy. My brother and I successfully climbed it, while my mom only made it a little more than half way. My dad took pictures. The beach there wasn't as good as I hoped. (Both of these beaches were Lake Michigan beaches) That was just Saturday. Sunday we went to Deer Forest Park in Michigan. My cousins own it and I had never met them so I was excited. I really loved meeting them and exploring the park. It had a gift shop, petting zoo, and small amusement park. I really enjoyed it. We stayed there almost all day. Then it was time to head home. It was sad leaving my cousins but I knew we were coming back. My dad said that since it's not a long ride we would come back next summer more than once. I'm very excited. Thanks for reading guys and gurls! Have a good Labor Day!!!!!! Bye!



OMG, I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you. It turned out to be a busy week. Anyway I'm here to tell you about the owl pellets. We put the skeletons back together. That did take a while. You had to identify the bone. Then go get a sheet of paper from our teacher, that showed you where to place the bones. Once you identified ALL the bones, you placed them on the paper, in the correct spot. After that, you got a black sheet of construction paper and moved the skeleton over to that. Then you glued the bones to the paper, and tried to identify what animal you had. Turns out we had a kangaroo rat in our pellet. Before we did the skeletons I thought we had a shrew. Guess I was wrong. Lol. 
Ok a new subject in the same blog. Subject: JO comments. I see that ONE SPECIFIC PERSON is posting comments of jealousy and anger. While everyone else is defending me. I just want to thank the people that are defending me. Most of you are probably thinking, "Why doesn't she just delete the comment?" Well I don't want to. I'd like people to see what the fight is about. Anyway thank you for reading and commenting. OVER AND OUT!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It's school time now and writing this blog is your new 5th grade Splash! Hey guys! I started school about a week ago and now I am a 5th grader!! Anyway today we dissected owl pellets! It was totally awesome and a little gross. I found a skull though! I think it was a shrew's skull. On Thursday we are putting the skeletons back together so I will post a blog and tell you how that goes! Tonight is registration night for my swim team and my dad is president of the board so I'm going even though I'm already on the team for this year. I am so excited to go back to my pool and see my friend Noah who will also be there. I also want to see the new people on the team! Today has been an exciting day! Anyway on Thursday I will tell you how the skeleton thing goes. Thanks all of you who are reading. I really appreciate it. You guys are the best. Read in again soon! TTYL


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Hi its your bored-to-death swimmer! The reason I have not been blogging about swimming is because our team is taking a break. :( Anyway the olympics were awesome! I just loved it! Michael Phelps won the gold in the 100 fly... BY ONE ONE HUNDREDTH! He won gold in every event! He broke Mark Spitts record!!!! Yay Michael! Anyway the girls were really good too. This was the best olympics so far!!! I'm really pleased to see how well the US did in swimming. A lot of you have posted comments saying "I like your swimming blogs" or whatever, so when I read that I decided this would be a good topic. I really hope you liked the swimming in the olympics. If you did or didn't, post a comment telling us! I'm so happy I have so many readers and I owe it all to you guys. When I see I have 8 comments that makes me really happy. Thank you guys so much and be expecting a blog tomorrow about my first day being a 5th grade and my friends pool party! Thanks so much!


Monday, August 11, 2008


Hey its Splash the zones swimmer. I got back from zones in the afternoon on Saturday. It was really fun. I left Tuesday evening for zones. Wednesday was team picture and opening ceremony. Our team had the most swimmers so the picture was HUGE! After team picture we went out to eat with some friends who were also at zones. Opening ceremony was that evening. It was really fun. My friend got to carry a flag for opening ceremony. Then next day was my first event. The 100 free. I dropped some time so it was good. Friday was our free day. I didn't have any events so we went shopping, the to the pool so I could watch my friend race. The next day was my big event. The 200 free. I gained 2 seconds in that but it was exactly a week after I swam it, and you can't always get best times at EVERY meet. Over all it was a great meet. I mean sure I didn't drop in everything but it's a huge accomplishment to even make it there. My parents and coaches and friends were really proud. So was I. That was the most fun meet I've ever been to and I'm hoping to go again. Wish me luck for the future. Thanks for reading and have a good rest of your summer. The swimmer is out!


Saturday, August 2, 2008


Hey you guys! Duh, its your favorite blogger, Splash! Well I just got back from JO’s. And I did great!!!! I’m really proud of my performance. Yesterday I swam 4 things including the relay. First event of all was the medley relay. We did good. The first individual event was 100 free. I dropped a second and... GOT A ZONE!!!! Then I swam the 200 IM. I dropped a second also but didn’t get the zone in that. My last event, the 100 back, I gained a second, but I was tired. So far I was having a good meet, and I was having a lot of fun. The next day I had 4 events again. To start the day off we did the free relay. We did great again. Then it was the 50 free and I had a 35.02 I ended up with a 34.94. I was happy. Then I had the 100 fly. Fly is not my stroke and I really don’t care for the 100 fly, but I like the 50. Anyway, I gained 2 seconds. My coach said he wasn’t worried about that race, he was worried about my next event the 200 free. It was my event. Everyone has an “event” of their own. Mine is the 200 free. The first thing I got a zone in. I was nervous but I knew swim your heart out and you’ll do fine. Well when I looked at the clock I dropped 3 seconds and got 4th over all. I was extremely happy because I’d be getting on the podium. All my friends were really happy. Oh and btw, I was 4th over all and that means I’m 4th fastest in my state!! I got a medal and that was the best way to finish my weekend. I would be swimming tomorrow but 10 and unders don’t swim on Sunday at JO’s. Well thats all for now, I think I’m gonna get some sleep, because I’ve got MegaZones on Wednesday but I think I leave Tuesday. Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hey yo it's Splash! I'm super excited for this weekend. This weekend is, you guessed it, JO's!! I leave Thursday evening, and swim on Friday at about 1:00 pm. I am making a check list of what I need because I don't want to forget ANYTHING for a championship meet! Tonight is my last practice before JO's so I'm gonna give it everything I have so I go really fast at JO's. This season/year JO's is a great one for me. All my really fast friends (like me) from other teams or my team even, have aged up besides 3 people. I'm faster than those 3 people at the time, and I'm hoping to keep it that way for a long time. Anyway, this year I can place and get on the podium! I've always wanted to do that at this meet and now I have a big chance! I'm really excited and pumped up, and I know I'll do great! Well I better get back to making that list of mine. Good luck in your sports! Thanks for reading. Over and Out


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Hey it's Splash again! Last night at my swim practice, we had a set of 4, 200 frees. My coach said if I went 2 minutes 20 seconds I could get out half n hour early. Well on my last 200 (which I all out sprinted) I didn't get that time. I went 2 minutes 22 seconds. (which is 4 seconds UNDER my best time in a meet) Then I got the news. We were doing the set again. This time I was pumped up and ready to go for that time. I swam my 200 frees. Then it was time for the last one. I gave it everything I could. I kicked so hard I thought my legs were gonna fall off. I pulled so long and fast I thought my arms were gonna break. My heart was beating really fast and I started to get tired but then went even faster. I finally touched the wall. I looked at my time and..... had a HUGE smile on my face. I told my coach and he said that I could get out and go home. My friends got out too because one went very fast, one went under her best meet time, and my other guy friends, well, they whined because they thought it was unfair we got out. The only reason my coach let them get out is because they had some fast times too. Oops I gotta go eat dinner. I'll talk to you guys later. Thanks for reading!



Hey it's Splash again! Well I had a meet last weekend in Quincy. I did unbelivebly well! I swam quite a few things and most I got a best time in. In my 200 IM I dropped 6 seconds and was 3 seconds away from a zone which is better than a JO and hard to get. In my 50 free, I dropped time, my 100 free dropped time, 50 fly dropped time, 100 fly gained 2 seconds, 50 back dropped time, 100 back gained 3 seconds, and my most favorite event the 200 free, I GOT A ZONE IN!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so so happy! The zone is a 2.41.99 and I got 2.37. something. I had a 2.43. something so I dropped a lot of time and went way under the zone. My coach, my friends parents, my friends, my parents and brother, they were all so so happy and proud. This meet was outdoors so when I went to our tent all I could hear was screaming, clapping, and happiness. It was the best day of my life. In August I'll be going to zones, and swimming for Team Illinois! Wish me luck! I'm really joyful and proud I finally got the zone. I have been working at it since last years winter JO's. Oops gotta run, wish me luck and thanks for reading!


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Swim Camp

Hey everyone its Splash again. I am really sorry that I haven't been blogging but I have been SUPER busy lately. Anyway, I just got home from swim camp. It was a sleepover camp for 4 nights and 5 days. I left Sunday afternoon and got back at 6:30 today. On Sunday we didn't swim or do anything, we just hung out with friends and stuff. That night we watched School of Rock. On Monday we woke up at 7:15 am and got ready for the day and breakfast was at 7:45 am. We swam for a while, lifted some weights, had breaks, and played volleyball. That night we played flashlight tag in the Christmas trees for a while. I won a round with my friends Katie, Molly, and Katie. Our award was to be first in the lunch line the next day. After we finished playing flashlight tag we went back to our places where we stayed the night. The next day we did the same thing that morning and afternoon. That night we played flashlight tag again but we didn't do as good. After the game we finished the movie. Wednesday we did the same thing again. That night we did sports-a-rama, a bonfire, and FIREWORKS!!!!!! Sports-a-rama  is all water events except volleyball. At the bonfire we cooked hotdogs and marshmallows. The fireworks were awesome!! The next day we did the same thing but we got out early so we could pack and get our awards. I got 2nd in sports-a-rama!! Then I got a towel for being the hardest worker. If you ever get to go to a overnight camp, trust me, it ROCKS!!! Well have a nice fourth!! Thanks for reading. 


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Olympic Trials

Hey it's Splash again. Sorry I haven't been blogging lately, my mom went to Arizona for 5 days and I was really busy around the house. Anyways, this weekend is Olympic Trials and I know someone who is in it. His name is Matt Elliot. He swims on my swim-team and I talk to his family a lot. I think it's so cool that I might know someone in the Olympics!! I really hope that he makes it to the Olympics. Many famous olympians are in this meet. Michael Phelps, Ian Crocker, Katie Hoff, Natalie Coughlin, and Aaron Peirsol. Now if you don't recognize any of these people, but you say you keep up with most of the swimming going on, well YOU DON'T!! Anyways, I do keep up with the swimming because it's my favorite sport in the WORLD. No I don't care for basketball or baseball but I do like football. I LOVE SWIMMING!!! So there. OK lets move on. If any of you have heard of the camp Swimming with the Stars, well thats a camp where you stay there and some olympians come! I have a movie called "Unfiltered" It's about Michael Phelps and Ian Crocker and what they do in their everyday normal lives. When they swim, they're complete enemies but when they get out they are friends. They swim on 2 different teams except when they are in the Olympics they swim for America. But Ian Crocker is in Texas and Michael Phelps is in Michigan. It's a great movie! Well thats all for  now. Thanks for reading and I will talk to you later!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Hey it's Splash again! I just got done with a meet in Springfield. I would have posted more blogs earlier but I was busy and tired. Well anyways, the meet was in a  50 meter pool and outdoor. It is the first long-course meet of the season. Now I will tell you how I did. On Friday I swam 200 freestyle, 200 IM, and 800 freestyle. In my 200 freestyle I gained a second but won the event. In my 200 IM, I dropped and got a new JO! In my 800 free, I dropped thirty seconds and got a team record! My time was 12 minutes and six seconds.  On Saturday I swam, 50 free, 100 backstroke, 50 butterfly, and 100 breaststroke. On my 50 free I gained a second. My time was 36 seconds. On my 100 backstroke I gained 2 seconds but got 4th. My time was 1 minute 32 seconds. On my 50 fly I dropped 2 seconds. My time was 41 seconds. On my 100 breaststroke I dropped 6 seconds. My time was 1 minute 51 seconds. On Sunday I swam, 100 free, 50 back, 100 fly, and 50 breast. On my 100 free I got my same time, 1 minute and 16 seconds. On my 50 back, I got my same time, 44 seconds. On my 100 fly, I dropped 9 seconds and got 1 minute and 31 seconds. On my 50 breast I dropped 2 seconds and got 51 seconds. Well that's how my meet went! Talk to you later and thanks for reading! Wish me luck for my next meet!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Wii Fit

Hey it's Splash again! It's finally summer vacation! HORRAY!! Well, a few weeks ago, we got the Wii Fit! It really helps you with your exercise. It tells you your balance, your weight, your Wii Fit age, and helps you get more muscular. Over the time I did it, I gained a little, which is good for my age. It is very fun. It keeps track of how long you have been on, and if you have been on for so many minutes, then you will unlock new games. On Wii Fit, it makes your Mii look like what you should look like because of your exercise. My favorite games our Hula Hooping and Ski Jump. On Hula Hooping, you pretend you have a hula hoop, but really move like you would with a hula hoop. After you do it for a while, you have to catch other hula hoops. It gives you a work-out all right! On Ski Jump, you squat down and keep you balance, then when you get to the designated area to jump, you stand up quickly and powerfully. You don't jump at all though. Once your in the air, you keep your balance and see how far you go. I do it a lot to try to beat my family member's scores. It really is addicting. I hope you get one. If you have one or your going to get one, leave a comment telling me what you like about it! Thanks for reading and have a good summer!


Monday, May 26, 2008


Hey it's Splash again! What's up?! Isn't the weather just fantastic today! Where I live it's 80 degrees! Thursday is my last day f school and I am so excited! I am going to be a 5th grader soon! My friend is having me and some other friends over on Thursday and the next day my other friend is having a sleepover on Friday to celebrate no school! Well today's blog is going to be about the story I am writing. It's called "The case of the Missing Band!" It's about the new girl meeting new friends, then the school closes unexpectedly. No one knows what happened and the people that do know, won't tell. The new girl, Samantha, and her friends, Jackie, Zack, Cody, Taylor and Peter, try to solve the case. I haven't finished it yet, but I have been adding more and more onto it every day. When I finish it I will post the WHOLE story. I hope you guys like it. If you have any ideas for my story post a comment and tell me. I would really appreciate that! The ideas for the story just popped into my head and I wrote them down. Then, I started the story. Well, I think I am gonna go get back to that story so BYE! Have a great week and thanks for reading!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

State report

Hey it's Splash again! Last week, I was working on my state report and I presented it today. It went well. My state is Rhode Island. I'll sum up my report. (I am pretending I am the state) My name comes from the Isle of the Rhodes in the Aegean Sea. I can fit into Alaska 500 times. My state bird is the Rhode Island Red. It's a chicken! My state tree is the red Maple which can grow to be 50 feet tall. My state flower is the violet. I am the smallest state. I am 40 miles by 30 miles. My population is 1,048,003. My population per square mile is 1,003,001 and that's second in the nation's ranking. My state fruit is the green apple. My state drink is Coffee Milk, which you can ONLY buy here! My state has the largest temple. Since I border the Atlantic Ocean, my annual fish catch is 85 million dollars! My state song is "Rhode Island It's for Me!" Those are just a few things about my state. When I had to show my class where it was located, I had to use a pointer since it was so small. Some people still couldn't see it though!! I am very excited because May 29th, I get out of school! I just go until 11:00 am though! This week we have had no homework, and I think that's how it's going to be for the rest of the year. On the last day if school, it is the talent show. This is all I think we will do next Thursday. Go to Mass, empty out our desks, talent show, and treats and report cards. Then, off we go for summer! I am so excited because I am almost a 5th grader! Well I have to get ready for bed. Thanks for reading and have a great day!


Monday, May 19, 2008


Hey it's Splash again! Yesterday was the last day for Carbondale, the meet I told you about in my other post. On Friday, I swam one event. The 400 meter free. I started out with a time of six minutes and ten seconds and when I finished I came out with a time of five minutes and thirty-eight seconds! What a time drop!! The next day, I swam 4 things. I swam the 100 meter back, 100 meter free, the 50 meter fly, and the 200 meter IM. On my back I got one minute and thirty seconds, which was a best time and a JO! (Junior Olympics) On my 100 free, I got one minute and sixteen seconds, which was also a best time, and another JO! On my 50 fly, I got forty-three seconds, not my best time or a JO. On my 200 IM I got three minutes and sixteen seconds, best time, but not a JO. After I swam those events, I went to eat at Booby's, then I went horseback riding with my friends. After that I went back to the cabins, where I was staying and play with all my friends there as well. The next and final day I swam the 200 meter free, 50 meter back, 50 meter free, and 100 meter fly. On my 200 free, I got two minutes and forty-three seconds, best time, one second away from a Zone which is better than a JO. On my 50 back I got forty-four seconds, a best time, not a JO. On my 50 free I got a thirty-five, a best time and a new JO!! On my 100 fly I got one minute and forty seconds which was a best time, but two seconds away from a JO. This was one of my most favorite meets of the whole year. Every time it comes up, I am so excited. It's so much fun going there! I can't wait until next year!! Thanks for reading, and good luck in your sport!


Friday, May 16, 2008

Say WHAT?!

Hey it's Splash again! Guess what happened yesterday at our school?! Some one wrote in the boys bathroom "I am going to bomb the school, May 15th at noon" It was really scary. We had to do Adoration, and it was supposed to be at 10:45 am, but they said "Father's schedule has changed so we need an ALL school Adoration now!" The real reason was because they needed the school to be evacuated. They made everyone turn their cell phones off, because that might be a way to trigger a bomb. There were 2 police cars searching the school. A K-9 unit and a regular one. Adoration went on forever since they needed to make the school was clear. There wasn't any bombs but who ever wrote that is in serious trouble. The teachers weren't allowed to talk about it but some one found out, told it to my friend, who told it to me, and then it went on. Well it wasn't the correct side of the story but they had the main idea right, the bomb. Finally, when my teacher heard all the whispers, she knew what it was about. To clear things up, she told us what happened. She told us what the true story was, why we were at Adoration so long, and why there were police cars outside. We were all really scared but she told us no bombs were in the school. Our school sent out an alert to every parent in the school, telling what happened. The boys' bathroom is taped shut, and it might stay like that until next week. Oh yeah, today's the day for the meet! Well I have to go because I am getting ready to leave. Thanks for reading!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers' Day!

Hey it's Splash again and today is Mothers' Day! Have you made a card yet? I've made 2
and my brother has made 1. They look so kewl! What are you doing for Mothers' Day?
Post a comment telling me! Today is a really good holiday so RESPECT your moms!
Make sure you're extra nice to them! Make them a special breakfast, do extra chores,
make them special cards, take them to a fancy meal, etc. Any of those would make a
Mothers' day special. The most important thing about Mothers' Day is showing your love.
If you can't do any of the above, show your love more than you do every other day! I know
here where I live, it's rainy and cold today, but that won't stop me from making this
Mothers' Day the best one yet! So if you are artistic, creative, a good cooker, or just love
your mom, this day will go great! Thanks for reading and Happy Mothers' Day!


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Practice, Practice, Practice, and a little more PRACTICE!

Hey it's Splash again! My swim team has been working so hard since a HUGE meet is coming up. This morning we swam a lot more than this but the main things were, 600 yard free, 5, 100 IM's, 500 yard free, 5, 100 yard IM's, 300 yard free, 5, 100 yard IM's! It wore me out but when I got home, I played on my new Wii! Oh did I forget to mention that I got a Wii on Thursday?! Well I did and it's so fun to play! I got a "zaper" gun and Super Smash Brothers Brawl. I haven't gotten to play them yet but I will! Well back to practice. The meet is on Friday and I only have 3 more practices left! The great thing about it is I get to miss school on Friday and I get to have fun swimming, but I also get to horseback ride on Saturday!! The practices have been really hard lately but I can handle it. Right now I am working on a Mothers' Day Card for my mom. I hope she likes it! Well I think I am gonna get back to that. Oh, and sorry I haven't been blogging, I have had lots of school work and tests so it has been hard. I had a preposition test and I had to name 40 of them! I got a 95%. Well I have to go! BYE and thanks for reading!


Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm done!

Hey it's Splash again! Sorry, again, I have been busy. The play went great! It was so much fun! On the Friday night show it went from 7:00 pm to 9:15 pm but I was there at 5:30 pm because of make-up. It was fantastic! I'll tell you my make-up. I had pink eyelids, green circles on my cheeks, green eyebrows, white dots under my eyes, and some funky pick and yellow hair. The green was a minty/lime green. It looked really cool! Friday's show became sold out but a line of 50 people were waiting to get in! We even went over the capacity for the fire department! WOW! I was really nervous on Friday but  Saturday' shows were easier since I had already done a show. When we performed, we did better than in dress rehearsal (and I though we couldn't get better!) If you guys get the chance to do a play, take that chance!!! After the all the play's finished, I was wiped out! Then on Sunday, we had Strike, which was where you take down the set and clean up the whole place. I had to mop both bathrooms, girls and boys! I also had to clean the sinks and toilets (and the special boy toilets, which I won't name.) It was a lot of fun and I am very glad I got the chance to do it! Thanks for reading.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Show time!

Hey it's Splash again! Today is the first show for the play I am in. As I told you in a different post, I am in Willy Wonka. This week was the most important week of all because if you missed one practice this week, you were out of the play! So anyways, I am sorta nervous. Last night was the dress rehearsal and it went good, so I am pretty sure we will do fine today. As they say in the play, "Think Positive!" I am also excited for this play because I have 2 parts! I am a candy dancer and oompa loompa. To me, they are the most fun parts! To be a candy dancer and oompa loompa it is hard work! I have to change costumes REALLY fast because I start out as a candy dancer in Act 1 but during intermission I have to change into oompa loompa costume because that's what I am for Act 2! It can be stressful!!! Even though we all have been working hard, and even though there has been lots of stress, it's paid off. If you're into acting, go with it! I am not gonna do a school play next year because it interferes with my favorite sport, swimming, to much. Thanks for reading! Keep checking and I will tell you how the play went tomorrow! Bye!!!


Friday, April 18, 2008


Hey it's Splash again! Guess what?! Today at 4:37 am, an earthquake happened in Southern Illinois. Where I live, people felt it but I was sound asleep. Then at about 2:15 pm there was an aftershock and that time I did feel it. I was on the computer and my desk, computer, and floor shook! My mom's make-up table and scale shook too. My brother was at his desk and that shook also! It's very weird to feel an earthquake here, so today was cool, for me that is. I thought it was just so cool how an earthquake from Southern Illinois could make my town shake! The earthquake was 5.4 on the Richter scale. It was so cool. It was all over the news this morning. You're probably wondering how I could be home all day, but I didn't have school! Oh yeah! Anyways, the news say there should be aftershocks all this month! So if you didn't catch this one, you might have another chance to feel one! Who knew an earthquake could have aftershocks all month long?! Well that's all for now! BYE!


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sick :-(

Hey it's Splash again! Today I am at home sick. I really don't feel good. My head hurts, my stomach is bugging me, and I have a fever of 102.4! I have allergies and that is part of the problem. I have to go and perform a play tomorrow and I might not. That would stink if I couldn't go so I am gonna try to make sure I am well by then. If I take my medicine and get some rest I am pretty sure I could go tomorrow! If you don't want to get sick then do the following. Wash your hands, wear a coat when it's chilly, wear a hat if your head is wet. If you do these then it might help prevent you from getting sick. I promise you do NOT want what I have. I am hoping that I will be able to perform tomorrow! I hope you're enjoying the nice weather. Yesterday looked really nice but I couldn't play outside because I was sick that day too! Please pray that I will get better and be able to perform tomorrow. I would really appreciate that! Well I am gonna go take a bath and see if that helps my headache go away. BYE and stay healthy!!!


Sunday, April 13, 2008


Hey it's Splash again! Today, for my swim-team, we had a banquet! It was so much fun! All my friends were there and we had a blast. We got to eat, then listen to the coaches speak, then we got our awards!! After that there was more talking and then we got to watch a slideshow of pictures of the WHOLE team! My friends and I put the video together. It was so much fun doing it with them! WOW, if I could do it again, I would. We have the banquet every year and I am always looking forward it. If you play a sport and you have banquets, then maybe you know how fun they are! I always LOVE watching the slideshows and getting called up for a trophy, and stuff. It is just unbelievably fun! My coaches are always so funny when you get called up. They thank you and make jokes and everyone laughs. Every single kid on the team that goes to these banquets, when they walk up to get their trophy, they always have a huge smile on their face. I always love getting the trophies.I have 5 now! Well thanks for reading and I hope you had a good weekend! Bye!
