Thursday, January 14, 2010

Update/Lovely Bones

So here is a quick update before I tell you about Lovely Bones, the movie I REALLY want to see.
I had a meet over the weekend and I did GREAT! I finally broke a minute in my 100 free, and got the JO cut. I also got the JO cut in the 200 IM, and the senior cut in the mile! I am so happy! Anyway, enough about me, let's cut to the movie!
How many of you want to see the new movie Lovely Bones? I think it comes out tomorrow. Not sure though. I am going to BEG my mom to let me see it with some friends. It looks so good! It's about a 14 year old girl, who was raped and murdered. She has to try and come back for her parents who need her. Her father is trying to solve the murder too. It just looks so interesting! I saw the preview and right away I wanted to see it. Maybe I can see it on Monday. I'll convince my mommy. If any of you know me, I'm a good convincer. :D
Well, I am really craving a soda, so I think I'm gonna go! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Winter Break

For most people, winter break is practically over. There's not even a day left, and most kids are lounging around not looking forward for tomorrow. All the kids on the internet are commenting and "disliking" statuses on Facebook that mention school, or Tweeting about how they refuse to go back. I agree, I really do not want to go back. School is boring, and there is way too much work! I am really happy though, because the first week I go back, I don't even go a full week! I have to miss Friday for a swim-meet! Yay for me! Winter break was amazing for me though. My cousins from Texas came and visited on Tuesday, but they left yesterday. I went sledding a lot, it was a blast! Swimming was fun too. More time to spend with my friends from the pool! :]. I also had a GREAT Christmas. I got everything I wanted, and more! It was the best! Comment and tell me everything (or most) of what you got for Christmas, and how your winter-break was! Also tell me what some of your New Year's Resolutions are! I'm not sure about mine yet, but I should have them soon! Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year!