Thursday, April 15, 2010

Track meet!!(:

Today, we had a track meet. I had three events, and I did good in all of them! My first race was the 400, and I dropped 4 seconds from Monday's meet. My second race was the 800 and I got my PR. My last race was a relay, which was, and I'm serious, 2 minutes after my 800. We got 3rd place in the relay, I got second in my individual events! I also got to see my cousin for the second time this week!(:
The track meet was a lotta fun though. And today, I also got to be secretary for a day! So all day I didn't have to do any school work, I just had to run around the school a BUNCH delivering stuff to teachers. I also got to answer the phone, and go over the intercom if someone from a class needed to come down to the office to get something. It was a blast! :)
Anyway, I'm eating Spaghetti-O's and I'm scared I'm gonna spill 'em on my laptop, 'cause you know me, a klutz.(;
Thanks for reading!(:

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